Choosing the Right MSM Supplement

When it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, you will discover adding a MSM supplement is a good idea with plenty of potential. When couples with Vitamin C, this supplementation can improve the health of gums, skin, bones, teeth, blood vessels, and much more. In addition, you will discover that your cells will be capable of repairing themselves free from mutations that can be the leading cause of disease and illness.

A MSM supplement replaces the sulfur often missing or lacking in the foods we eat on a regular basis. Whether due to pollution, poor topsoil, or other conditions, the lack of this sulfur in our diets can lead to unhealthy bodies that are tired, weak, and drained. However, you must insure you choose the right MSM supplement for your needs. The FDA does not regulate these type of supplements, and so it falls on you to know what to look for to insure the highest quality at a reasonable price.

One of the great reasons to include a good, high quality MSM supplement in your diet is that it is safe. With a toxicity rating close to that of your drinking water, this is a soluble sulfur that will only be utilized if needed. Any remaining MSMs will be released from the body within 12-hours of ingestion. Get all the benefits you need without worry of overdosing, mis-dosing, or side effects.


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How Does Glucosamine Help Joint Pain?

Glucosamine is the precursor to Glycosaminoglycans, amino acids that are naturally produced in your body to help form cartilage. Based on this, Glucosamine, in supplement form, is being used to treat joint pain stemming from osteoarthritis. Glucosamine is becoming vastly popular among arthritis sufferers as it is easily available at health food stores and pharmacies and is less expensive than some prescription drugs for joint pain. Although there seems to be mixed opinions in the medical world about how effective Glucosamine really is, patients have been singings its praises.

Is it safe?

Studies show that as a treatment for minor osteoarthritis pain, Glucosamine has been proven relatively harmless, though long-term use or use in large doses has not been studied enough to have any conclusive results. Some concerns you may wish to bring up to your doctor are if you are diabetic, as high levels of Glucosamine may interfere with blood glucose levels; if you are nursing or pregnant; or if you have a shell fish allergy. Many Glucosamine supplements are made from the shells of shellfish, and while an allergy usually occurs from eating the flesh of said fish, you may want to take precautions when using a supplement derived from the shells. There have not been any recorded problems from allergies recorded, but it is always best to monitor yourself to play it safe. As always, read the directions of the manufacturers and consult with your physician as well.


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Experience lasting relief from joint pain! Check out the authors website at for more information you need to know on the latest medical breakthroughs.

Why Does Glucosamine and Chondroitin Relieve Joint Pain of Osteoarthritis

Over 30 million people suffer from arthritis or joint inflammation. The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis. The human body contains over 130 joints and any one of them can be susceptible to osteoarthritis. It typically targets hands, knees, shoulders and hips and elbows. This can cause moderate to severe pain and loss of mobility for people.

It is basically the breaking down of the cartilage between the bones of our joints. This causes the bones to rub together and the result being pain and stiffness. Osteoarthritis causes this cartilage to fray, wear down, and in extreme cases disappear totally. This disease impacts our motor ablity. Early warning symptoms can be stiffness in the morning, joint pain after exercise, joint pain during damp weather or constant pain in your joints after normal activity.


The exact cause of osteoarthritis is not known. Some scientists seem to think that it is just part of the normal aging process. Some also believe that genetics come into play. Families can pass on small genetic joint defects that could contribute. Weight may also play a factor. The more weight one carries the more pressure they can put on joints, especially hips and knees. The good news here is that it has been shown that even a small decrease in weight tends to alleviate the condition. It can also be triggered by sports or work related injuries.


Glucosamine is actually what is called an amino sugar. It is a necessary component for building cartilage and connective tissue. It is a building block of a larger molecule called proteoglycans which with other substances combine to form protective tissue. These large molecules act like a sponge to absorb water and give connective tissue elasticity and cushioning abilities. This is what protects us from wear and tear on our joints. Without glucosamine tissues such as tendons, nails, ligaments and mucous membranes would not be able to form properly.

Normally our bodies produce the needed amount of glucosamine we need to produce the connective tissue and cartilage that we need. However, over time this requirement can change due to things like injuries, burns, age, arthritis and other inflammatory disease. This is when our bodies are not able to produce enough glucosamine, resulting in a decrease in proteoglycans needed to produce cartilage. This reduces the amount of protection that our joints have.

This is the reason researchers started looking at glucosamine supplements. They found that glucosamine taken orally could lead to the production of molecules needed to produce cartilage. Another important discovery that they made is that it does so without the toxicity of drugs like Cox-2 Inhibitors. You should be aware that dietary glucosamine is generally made from shellfish, so anyone with allergies to shellfish should consult their doctor before hand.

Cartilage naturally contains Chondroitin Sulfate. It acts by drawing water to our cartilage giving it elasticity and also slows cartilage breakdown by protecting it from harmful enzymes. The combination of glucosamine and chondroitin act synergistically. In its supplemental form it is derived exclusively from cattle products. This combination of glucosamine and chondroitin has been given in parts of Europe as a prescription drug to maintain joint health for decades now.

There is no clinical evidence that chondroitin can restore formation of cartilage. Studies have shown that it is effective in promoting mobility and relieving pain associated with cartilage loss. It acts to facilitate the entry of glucosamine into the joints. For this reason Glucosamine and Chondroitin should be taken in combination.


About the Author:

John Bradstreet is an experienced Biochemist with extensive knowledge in nutritional supplementation. He is committed to a healthy lifestyle through natural means. To learn more about the benefits of Glucosamine and Chondroitin we have included additional links at the bottom of the page to help educate you on the subject. Or you can subscribe to our Vitamin and Supplement Blog where you will find information on topics concerning natural supplementation.

Msm In Dog Supplements Help More Than Just Their Joints

Keeping our pets happy is our goal. Making sure that they are healthy and protected from disease will ensure our happiness as well as theirs.  Just as with our diets we all tend to take the easy way out and feed our dogs with commercially processed and packaged foods. We often then complement this with vitamins and mineral dog supplements. We do this as a preventative measure even though are dogs are healthy and give us no indication that anything is wrong. When the dogs injure joints or when they get older and start to show signs of arthritis or hip dysplasia we usually visit our veterinarian who usually starts our dog on a program of anti-inflammatory and joint repair supplements. These “joint” supplements will almost certain contain methylsulfonylmethane or commonly called MSM. Often this will be combined with increased dosages of certain vitamins like A, D, C, and B complex which can help in these matters.

But why wait until your dog sustains an injury or becomes old and starts to suffer.  Dog supplements containing MSM can help you non-injured healthy dog be less prone to injuries and healthier younger. MSM is a naturally occurring organic sulfur compound found throughout the body.  Sulfur is one of the most important minerals needed by the body at any age or stage of healthiness. It is an acid-forming mineral that is part of the chemical structure of amino acids. It disinfects the blood, helps the body to resist bacteria, and protects the substance that constitutes the living matter of all plant and animal cells. It aids in necessary oxidation reactions in the body, stimulates bile secretion, and protects against toxic substances. It is needed for the synthesis of collagen, a principal protein that gives the skin its structural integrity. Collagen in turn allows the body to naturally mend damaged cartilage.


About the Author:

Brent Harte is the founder of He is a devoted dog owner with 2 golden labs and a mongrel that he saved from a pack of coyotes.  Both his family and pets lead a healthy life through a diet based on natural foods supplying the needed nutrients, vitamins and food categories. He is a leading expert in the use of the internet from its inception for creating sites that offer both valuable information and best value in product purchases. This unique combination of expertise in nutrition, the internet, and lifestyle has enabled Vitahound to become an expert source of information in the dog supplements industry.

Hyaluronic Acid Serum – What Is It?

Health organizations recommend five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables daily for a balanced intake of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients – elements that are essential in fighting aging.  However, not all women consume this amount because of various reasons.  It could be due to a hectic work schedule or countless other things.  This is where anti-aging products come in.

However, such anti-aging treatments such as botox and retsalyne are so last year.  Skincare companies have been battling it out to find the Holy Grail of slowing down aging and the billion dollar industry has invested significantly in scientific research that has resulted to new cutting-edge products and services.  


About the Author:

Brian Elley has been an expert in the ingredients of anti-aging products throughout his writing career. He refers to Hyaluronic Acid as the “Fountain of Youth” because of its ability to stop or slow aging.

Hyaluronic Acid Offers Lasting Results

When you use your favorite lotion or skin cream, do you find that you have to apply it frequently in order to keep your skin from drying out?  The truth of the matter is that your products are designed to do just that.  These products are meant to make your skin feel moist when first applied, while the alcohol they contain slowly dehydrates your skin cells.  This causes you to need to use the product more, while making you feel like it temporarily works.  The secret- these products are damaging your skin.


When you want a product that really helps to hydrate the skin while fighting the signs of aging, you need to think natural.  Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring particle found in the skin of plants and animals, and when used in its organic form it can be highly beneficial to the skin.  The key, however, is finding a product that uses an active form of the acid and that adds no alcohols, dyes, fillers, or allergens.


About the Author:

Claudia Phillips works  for Jabalabs, an anti aging company that makes
hyaluronic acid .

Benefits Of MSM – Mastermind Creation

MSM is organic sulfur. Its full name is Methyl Sulfonyl Methane.


Our body ~and that of our pets~ utilizes it daily. Neither our bodies nor theirs can store it, however. In the case of pets who were given MSM in their water or supplements showed to have lower liver damage, and they had a longer life expectancy. Other health benefits of MSM is that it is well tolerated, there are no known side-effects, it has low toxicity, and excess quantities are safely eliminated through the skin.


Scientists noticed health benefits of MSM for bones, teeth, nails, skin, and hair. MSM is vital for collagen synthesis as it knits tissues together increasing strength and flexibility, scientists reveal. They consider benefits of MSM as a solution for people ~or pets~ with pains in the joints. It is not surprising, then, that benefits of MSM were successful eliminating muscle pain in horses after a race.


MSM is not a medicine – MSM is not a drug – MSM does not harm the body


About the Author:

* George Josserme* Editor-in-Chief* The View – HealthMost people are neither aware of the health benefits of MSM nor that manyproducts in the market do not offer quality MSM. There is, however, a Madein U.S.A. MSM that offers the highest quality. It is called Opti-MSM.This author’s Benefits Of MSM – Mastermind Creation and yet another wantedarticle Benefits Of Fiber – Are They Real? may be published in a family-friendlyweb site. Easy-to-use HTML code is available at ArticlesBase, or by requestingit at The View above.

Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate – The Necessary Information

An estimated 27 million adults in the United States live with Joint pain-the most common type of arthritis. It also called degenerative joint disease, is caused by the breakdown of cartilage, which is the connective tissue that cushions the ends of bones within the joint. Arthritis is characterized by pain, joint damage, and limited motion. The disease generally occurs late in life, and most commonly affects the hands and large weight-bearing joints, such as the knees. Age, female gender, and obesity are risk factors for this condition.

What are Glucosamine and Chondroitin?

Glucosamine and chondroitin are part of normal cartilage. Cartilage acts as a cushion between the bones in a joint. Glucosamine, also called chitosamine, is a natural substance that is found in the covering of shellfish. Chondroitin can come from natural sources, such as shark or bovine cartilage, or it can be made in a lab. Chondroitin is also known as chondroitin sulfate, chondroitin sulfuric acid, and chonsurid. Chondroitin sulfate is a combination of chondroitin and mineral salt.


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Want to find out more about Glucosamine And Chondroiti , then visit Addie Davison site on how to choose the best Glucosamine And Chondroiti for your needs.

Discovering MSM

MSM is a wonderful supplement with a low toxicity rating that naturally occurs in the body and targets a host of issues. Some of the problems it may help with include hair, skin, nails, muscle fatigue, allergies and scar tissue trouble. I have also heard of people with cancer utilizing the supplement. Once upon a time, there was a big craze about DSMO and how it helped arthritis sufferers. It has been observed that the solvent DSMO converts to MSM when it hits the blood stream. Taking MSM may be equivalent to using DSMO but without the side effects and problems that come with utilizing an industrial grade solvent.

What Does it Do?

Some of the patents I read on MSM suggest that MSM basically supplies the body with a usable form of sulfur, which can be used to repair connective tissues, aid in joint problems and potentially energize a system that pulls allergens out of our bodies. Studies have been conducted on MSM that seem to indicate that there has been a benefit to animals with joint problems.

Scar Tissue

If you have significant scarring, MSM may help to reduce the visible scarring. It may help to give the skin the sulfur it needs to help in restructuring; it may also help in preventing scars. So if you have a burn or jagged cut, it might be helpful to take MSM during the healing process.

The sulfur is useful in the process that is used to build skin; one theory is that if there isn’t enough sulfur available the process is modified resulting in scar tissue. Hence, if you have enough sulfur, you could avoid scarring as tissue regrows, according to that theory.

The Best Part of DSMO

Remember the craze about DSMO a few years back? It was widely used for arthritis and joint problems. DSMO is a solvent and has some potential side affects. In addition, it doesn’t smell good and you have to wait for it to dry. It is an industrial grade solvent, so it is not very practical to use. Research has shown that DSMO is converted into MSM when it touches the blood stream. With MSM, you can get the benefits of DSMO without the potential side effects and problems.


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Glucosamine For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

If you check around the internet, you’ll see any number of sites that promote glucosamine supplements for joint pain. Some of them promote this supplement for carpal tunnel syndrome and other forms of tendonitis as well…but is it really effective?

Glucosamine has a lot going for it. It’s cheap, widely available, easily absorbed by the body, and better tolerated in people than NSAIDs such as aspirin and ibuprofen. The pain-relieving effects last longer than NSAIDs, too (even if it’s not as fast-acting). Furthermore, unlike some other supplements it has been extensively studied in clinical settings, with thousands of subjects. And sales in the USA top over a billion dollars a year, so clearly a lot of people think that something good is going on. Let’s take a look and see exactly what’s what.

Joints are made up mainly of cartilage, and glucosamine has been shown in dozens of scientific studies to have a beneficial effect on cartilage formation. While the exact mechanism isn’t clearly understood, it seems that taking glucosamine helps your joints heal because your body is able to manufacture cartilage at an increased rate. Older people in particular benefit from this effect, as rates of production tend to decline with age.

Furthermore, according to some studies glucosamine’s action can be enhanced by combining it with other natural substances such as chondroitin and/or MSM. This combination seems to be especially effective for certain types of arthritis (osteoarthritis in particular), and both clinical and anecdotal evidence point to the fact that it works.


About the Author:

Alex Nordach has been involved in the health and fitness industry for over three decades. During that time, he has developed a deep understanding of the causes of, and treatments for, tendonitis and related conditions — secrets that most doctors simply don’t know about. If you suffer from tendonitis, tendonosis or other tendonopathy condition, and if you want the fastest and cheapest way to get rid of it, visit the Target: Tendonitis! website. The product there is fully guaranteed to be the most effective thing you’ve ever tried, or 100% of your money will be refunded.

Why Hyaluronic Acid Cream Should Always Be 100% Pure

When you are looking for a high quality Hyaluronic Acid cream, you will find many products that claim to be the best.  Many of them will even offer a wide array of added ingredients that they say will help make their product more effective.  The simple truth, however, is that the best Hyaluronic Acid products on the market are 100% pure and natural.

When the product you buy is fully pure and natural, you can be assured that it is both safe and effective.  Many products use animal byproducts or even synthetic chemicals to create Hyaluronic Acid.  The problem with this is that animal products can be unsafe and synthetic products simply do not work.  While these products may look structurally identical to true Hyaluronic Acid, the simple fact is that if they are not natural, your skin cells will not recognize them and therefore they cannot work in conjunction with your body.

When you find a Hyaluronic Acid product that truly is safe and natural, you will discover that you are able to achieve the skin care results you have long wanted.  A pure product will be able to easily penetrate deep into the skin offering not only an instant glow, but rapid repair of damaged skin.  Unlike synthetic and chemical based products, which offer a greasy buildup followed by even dryer skin, pure Hyaluronic Acid can put a permanent stop to the damage caused by dry skin.  You owe it to yourself to pamper your skin, and Hyaluronic Acid cream can help you truly do so.

When seeking a Hyaluronic Acid skin care product, ensure that the acid is the main ingredient.  The only other ingredients should ideally be water and nitrogen, ensuring that there are no additives that could weaken or affect the Hyaluronic Acid.  Fragrances and dyes are unnecessary and can damage the skin.  Finding the best skin care products was once like looking for a needle in a haystack, but with Hyaluronic Acid products now available wholesale and online, getting the care you deserve has never been easier.


About the Author:

Claudia Phillips is the Esthetician for Jabalabs, an anti aging company.
hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizer Review – You Need More Hyaluronic Acid, Here’s Why

In this article I will review a good hyaluronic acid moisturizer and why you want your body to inhibit a harmful enzyme called hyaluronidase which breaks down hyaluronic acid in your skin.

There are a few extracts that boost your body’s hyaluronic acid levels and one of those is Phytessence Wakame.

It is a specific type of Japanese sea kelp that is a sea algae. It belongs to the Phaeophycae Laminariales plant family.

It has many benefits such as boosting your immune system, preventing cancer, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties, and it is one of the most commonly eaten algae in Japan.


About the Author:

Rebecca S. Purple is a passionate user of natural skin care products. She has done extensive research on the subject, and has learned what works, and what doesn’t. You can learn more about the cutting-edge skin care products that she recommends by visiting her website at
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