Msm In Dog Supplements Help More Than Just Their Joints

Keeping our pets happy is our goal. Making sure that they are healthy and protected from disease will ensure our happiness as well as theirs.  Just as with our diets we all tend to take the easy way out and feed our dogs with commercially processed and packaged foods. We often then complement this with vitamins and mineral dog supplements. We do this as a preventative measure even though are dogs are healthy and give us no indication that anything is wrong. When the dogs injure joints or when they get older and start to show signs of arthritis or hip dysplasia we usually visit our veterinarian who usually starts our dog on a program of anti-inflammatory and joint repair supplements. These “joint” supplements will almost certain contain methylsulfonylmethane or commonly called MSM. Often this will be combined with increased dosages of certain vitamins like A, D, C, and B complex which can help in these matters.

But why wait until your dog sustains an injury or becomes old and starts to suffer.  Dog supplements containing MSM can help you non-injured healthy dog be less prone to injuries and healthier younger. MSM is a naturally occurring organic sulfur compound found throughout the body.  Sulfur is one of the most important minerals needed by the body at any age or stage of healthiness. It is an acid-forming mineral that is part of the chemical structure of amino acids. It disinfects the blood, helps the body to resist bacteria, and protects the substance that constitutes the living matter of all plant and animal cells. It aids in necessary oxidation reactions in the body, stimulates bile secretion, and protects against toxic substances. It is needed for the synthesis of collagen, a principal protein that gives the skin its structural integrity. Collagen in turn allows the body to naturally mend damaged cartilage.


About the Author:

Brent Harte is the founder of He is a devoted dog owner with 2 golden labs and a mongrel that he saved from a pack of coyotes.  Both his family and pets lead a healthy life through a diet based on natural foods supplying the needed nutrients, vitamins and food categories. He is a leading expert in the use of the internet from its inception for creating sites that offer both valuable information and best value in product purchases. This unique combination of expertise in nutrition, the internet, and lifestyle has enabled Vitahound to become an expert source of information in the dog supplements industry.

Discovering MSM

MSM is a wonderful supplement with a low toxicity rating that naturally occurs in the body and targets a host of issues. Some of the problems it may help with include hair, skin, nails, muscle fatigue, allergies and scar tissue trouble. I have also heard of people with cancer utilizing the supplement. Once upon a time, there was a big craze about DSMO and how it helped arthritis sufferers. It has been observed that the solvent DSMO converts to MSM when it hits the blood stream. Taking MSM may be equivalent to using DSMO but without the side effects and problems that come with utilizing an industrial grade solvent.

What Does it Do?

Some of the patents I read on MSM suggest that MSM basically supplies the body with a usable form of sulfur, which can be used to repair connective tissues, aid in joint problems and potentially energize a system that pulls allergens out of our bodies. Studies have been conducted on MSM that seem to indicate that there has been a benefit to animals with joint problems.

Scar Tissue

If you have significant scarring, MSM may help to reduce the visible scarring. It may help to give the skin the sulfur it needs to help in restructuring; it may also help in preventing scars. So if you have a burn or jagged cut, it might be helpful to take MSM during the healing process.

The sulfur is useful in the process that is used to build skin; one theory is that if there isn’t enough sulfur available the process is modified resulting in scar tissue. Hence, if you have enough sulfur, you could avoid scarring as tissue regrows, according to that theory.

The Best Part of DSMO

Remember the craze about DSMO a few years back? It was widely used for arthritis and joint problems. DSMO is a solvent and has some potential side affects. In addition, it doesn’t smell good and you have to wait for it to dry. It is an industrial grade solvent, so it is not very practical to use. Research has shown that DSMO is converted into MSM when it touches the blood stream. With MSM, you can get the benefits of DSMO without the potential side effects and problems.


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Appreciating MSM Vitamins at a Glance

MSM, methylsulfonylmethane (METH-əl-sul-FON-il-METH-ane), is something important we need in our bodies for healthy hair, nails, skin, cartilage, and joints. If you are looking up information about MSM, chances are good you have heard that numerous times. All the information tends to be relatively the same, and when you need information, you want a complete look with new information aiding you in your search.

First, MSM is a sulfur – not to be confused with sulfa – utilized by our bodies in the rebuilding of our living cells. Sulfur makes the cell walls more permeable, or in layman’s terms, more flexible. As we age, our cell walls get thicker, and with those thicker cell walls, we find that our cells hold in more toxins while not letting new stuff inside.

No, we cannot stop the aging process, but with a little help, we can sure slow it down!

Often referred to as the hidden “fountain of youth”, MSM provides a viable way for many people to appreciate a healthier life looking younger and feeling great. The quality of life tends to improve because you simply feel better.

Our bodies need sulfur, and we generally get sulfur naturally in the foods we eat. Steaks, vegetables, and many other foods can help with our sulfur intake. However, as we age, our bodies are not as good at using the sulfur it does get which means we need more sulfur!

Safety is always a concern when considering a new supplement. With MSM, not a lot can be found about side effects or adverse reactions. While many people claim this is because MSM vitamins are completely safe, many people are claiming this is because MSM vitamins are relatively new to the market.

Since I wanted to keep you updated on what the side effects or adverse reactions could be, I did considerable research to see what people were saying. Here is what I found!

MSM vitamins are relatively new, and the majority of people do not even notice they are taking the supplement in terms of how your body reacts. However, some people are much more sensitive to substances they put into their bodies. Whether this is a natural sensitivity to medications or brought on by current medications, this does deserve more attention.


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