An organic approach to exercise (The Vail Trail)

An organic approach to exercise Linda J. Buch Denver Pos Picture the playgrounds and PE classes from your childhood. Remember jumping jacks, push-ups, jump rope, rope climb, dodge ball and just running and hopping from the jungle gym to the slide? All of these very simple exercises focused on the whole body, using its own weight for resistance, rather than isolating and working its parts. This …

Let’s Get Physical (GOOD)

The British epidemiologist Jeremy N. Morris died recently. In the 1940s and 1950s, Morris did some of the first empirical research that showed how important it is, health-wise, to have a job that involves some physical activity. A 1949 study compared the health of the drivers of London’s double-decker buses with that of the conductors. “And there was a striking difference in the heart-attack …

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