Understanding COPD Social Security Disability

COPD, or Cardiac Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is a difficult disease for a person to manage. This is compounded by those who suffer from COPD and also need employment. Suffers of the disease often find it difficult to maintain employment as a result of how the disease impacts their body.

Cardiac Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is a disease that qualifies for disability benefits under the Social Security Administration (SSA). The challenge with this type of disability case is proving to the Social Security Administration that you are disabled, because their definition of disability is very strict.

Defining Social Security Disability Benefits:

The SSA has a very rigid definition of who is disabled. To receive SSI or SSDI benefits a person must provide evidence that they are permanently disabled and this condition will last at least one year, or result in their death. No benefits are awarded for a partial or short-term disability.

Documenting a COPD Disability:

The most important thing for a COPD patient to do is to see a doctor on a regular basis. While at the doctor’s office, this is your opportunity to help build your COPD disability case. Remember to win benefits you’ll need to provide documentation of your disability. The notes and records your doctor maintains on file are critical evidence to help support your claim.


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