Bird flu studies, halted over terrorism fear, to resume

A member of the Rapid Response Team culls a rooster in a poultry farm infected by H5N1 bird flu virus at Bode in BhaktapurLONDON (Reuters) – Scientists around the world declared an end on Wednesday to a moratorium on researching mutant forms of the deadly H5N1 bird flu that had raised international biosecurity concerns. Announcing their decision to resume what they say are risky but essential studies of the avian flu strain, the scientists said the work would only be carried out in the most secure sites in countries that agree it can go ahead. That will allow work to start again in key laboratories in the Netherlands and elsewhere but not yet in the United States or U.S. …

Wait to remove kids’ infected adenoids: study

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Removing the adenoids of kids who frequently get colds, sinus infections and laryngitis is more expensive and doesn’t lead to better health or fewer symptoms than a “watchful waiting” approach, according to new research. In other words, “waiting has no bad consequences,” Chantal Boonacker, who led the new research at University Medical Center Utrecht in the Netherlands, told Reuters Health by email. Adenoids are the tissue between the nose and back of the throat, similar to tonsils. They help fight infection in children but shrink and disappear by adulthood. …

Video games fail to stoke kids’ appetite for fruit

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Healthy food advertising in the form of online games doesn’t make kids crave more wholesome snacks, according to a new study from the Netherlands. Researchers expected children to choose to eat fruit after playing games promoting fruit, given that previous research has shown so-called “advergames” to be effective marketing tools. In fact, kids in the experiment did eat more snacks after playing, but no more fruit than their peers. …

Exercise may be the key to success in the classroom

If you want your child to get better grades, you may want to make sure they’re getting physical activity. Researchers in the Netherlands analyzed 14 studies from the U.S., Canada and South Africa and found strong evidence of a relationship between physical activity and academic performance. They discovered physical activity increases circulation to the brain, which may have some positive effects …

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