High Blood Pressure? How Exercise Can Lower Your Blood Pressure

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension is a common problem. Unfortunately, medication can not cure hypertension but it can help you to control your blood pressure. But using medication is not long term solution. For most people, life style changes are needed. One of the easiest and healthiest is to exercise more.

Lack of physical activity is often mentioned as one of the main causes of hypertension. Strangely enough, in 95% of the cases the cause is unknown. But a lot of people have managed to lower their blood pressure by becoming more physically active.

So why is exercise helpful? A simplified explanation is that regular physical activity will make your heart stronger. A stronger heart can pump more blood with less effort. If your heart can work less to pump, the force on your arteries decreases, lowering your blood pressure

The good news is that even light exercise can lower your blood pressure. But in order to reap the benefits you have to keep on exercising. The benefits last only as long as you continue to exercise. On the other hand, exercise has many additional health benefits and can also be fun. Note that it generally takes one to three months before regular exercise will have an impact on your blood pressure.

Since exercise will increase your blood pressure you need to be careful. In some cases, your doctor may first want to lower your blood pressure using medication before you can start exercising. Always consult your doctor first before starting any exercise program.

Exercise can be divided into two categories, aerobic, sometimes also called dynamic, exercise and isometric, sometimes called static, exercise. As a rule of thumb, most aerobic exercises will help you lower your blood pressure. Most isometric exercises are less efficient than aerobic exercises. They can also put too much strain on your heart so many doctors recommend avoiding isometric training. If you are doing isometric training it should be light training.

Aerobic exercises increase the body’s need for oxygen. Because blood delivers oxygen to the body, aerobic activity challenges the heart and circulatory system to meet this increased need. Walking, running, dancing and swimming are examples of aerobic exercise. Aim for at least 30 minutes of aerobic activity most days of the week. Try to avoid being a weekend warrior, doing just one or two long exercise sessions every week. Instead, try to exercise every day. Short sessions done frequently, preferably daily, is the way to get results. Begin with light exercise, once you are fitter you can increase the intensity.

In order to get even better results, exercise should be combined with other methods. Two of the most reliable methods to lower your blood pressure are stress reduction and adopting a healthier diet.


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For more information about how to lower your blood naturally pressure, go to http://www.LowBloodPressureNaturally.info

High Blood Pressure – The silent killer

Just about one out of every three American adults has high blood pressure. High blood pressure, or hypertension as its medical term indicates a reading of the human BP of 140/90 mmHg or higher. Once it develops, it all too often lasts a lifetime.

High blood pressure is often referred to as the silent killer because it typically has no symptoms. It is therefore valuable to have a regular medical check-up. If not treated as soon as it’s discovered, it can cause the heart to enlarge, which in turn might lead to heart failure. As the heart works harder, your arteries take a beating and your chances of a stroke, heart attack, and/or kidney problems multiply considerably.

A typical healthy human blood pressure is at its highest when the heart beats, pumping the blood. When the heart is at rest, between beats, your blood pressure falls. People suffering from high BP have their blood pressure level consistently high for even as the heart rest.

Many factors are involved in elevating your blood pressure. Most doctors will check your blood pressure several times on different days to ensure that, in fact you do have hypertension. It is therefore, highly recommended not to take in foods rich in caffeine, alcoholic or tobacco products at least thirty minutes before your medical examination. Once you know you have the condition, you will need to check the pressure regularly and keep in touch with a professional doctor specializing with heart problems and conditions.


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High Blood Pressure: Causes and Treatments

High blood pressure or hypertension is one of the most common health problems in adults. Although health care professionals are unsure of the causes, there are numerous options for medication to treat hypertension, and therefore the disease is quite manageable.

Blood pressure is measured when by two number, diastolic pressure and systolic pressure. Each time the heart beats, blood is pushed through the arteries, and the pressure against the artery walls is increased. In the moments in between when the heart beats the pressure lessens. Systolic pressure is the point in which the pressure is the highest and diastolic pressure is the point at which the pressure is at the lowest.

There is no known cause for high blood pressure, doctors and scientists are baffled by the condition – but some medications such as birth control pills are thought to heighten the chances of one developing high blood pressure.

Age, family history and genetic predisposition may all be contributing factors to the development of hypertension. Race and lifestyle are also contributing factors.

There are many things that we can do within our lives to decrease blood pressure, and increase our health. Losing weight and partaking in regular exercise is an important part of any treatment program because it reduces the pressure on the heart, and the arteries. Eating a healthy diet, as well as reducing alcohol intake can also decrease the stress from the heart.


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