High Blood Presure – Assuming Epidemic Proportions

People would be shocked if they knew the exact figures as to the number of the sufferers of high blood pressure are in the United Kingdom and the United States and to be honest it affects one in every four people. The medical name for high blood pressure is Hypertension.

High blood pressure is serious. The likelihood of developing several life-threatening diseases and illnesses increases dramatically when you suffer from high blood pressure. The list of diseases that are more likely to be contracted if you suffer from high blood pressure can include associate heart disease, kidney disease and possibly stroke. Having high blood pressure increases the severity of other diseases. If you don’t get it diagnosed correctly then not only will it curtail your overall quality of life, it might actually kill you It is dubbed the “silent killer” as it can exist with absolutely no outward signs of the condition at all.

It has been know to be hereditary so a healthcare professional will want to know about your family. Many people do have high blood pressure but don’t know it until a major illness, such as a heart attack or a stroke occurs. Tragically hypertension will not just fade away or disappear. The good thing is that hypertension will respond to treatment. You can do something about hypertension.

The one thing that you have to be careful with high blood pressure is that because there are no classic signs or symptoms the only one way to be 100% sure that you suffer from it is to have you blood pressure taken. After you have had your blood pressure taken depending on the outcome of the reading sit down and talk carefully to your doctor about what the results show. It is essential that you monitor your blood pressure on a regular basis as you get older and you should be having your blood pressure checked at least once a year. It is quite straightforward and in the most cases people should observe this but there are certain steps that you can take to prevent yourself from being exposed to the likelihood of getting high blood pressure, certainly without good cause.

Sadly it would appear that only 20% of all adults that have been diagnosed with high blood pressure actually have it under control. Knowing how your body works will give you the power to prolong your life expectancy and enhance the quality of your life. Your heart pumps blood to all of your bodies’ organs and tissues, including your brain. It does this by pumping the blood to hose like vessels called arteries. Approximately 3 to 4 ounces of blood is pumped into your arteries about 60 to 70 times a minute every time your heart beats and this is only when the average person is at rest. Blood Pressure is the force of the blood pushing against the walls of your arteries. On a personal level, high blood pressure or hypertension is the condition that exists when the pressure of the blood in the arteries is above a certain level and pressure that is normal and sustainable as far as the rest of the body is concerned.


About the Author:

Scott James writes about a great many health issues on the Internet and more can be found on High Blood Pressure at the following http://www.livingwithhighbloodpressure.net