
Glucosamine is also known with many different names like chitosamine, glucosamine sulphate, glucosamine hydrochloride, N-acetyl glucosamine, glucosamine sulfate. It is found in our body in a naturally compounded form. Glucosamine is produced by glucose and amino acid glutamine present in our body. Glucosamine helps in the production of a molecule called glycosaminoglycan. This glycosaminoglycan prevents the formation and repair of cartilage and various other tissues present in the body. Production rate of glycosaminoglycan decreases with the time i.e. production rate of glycosaminoglycan slows down as we grew up and continues to decrease as the time passes and we grew older and older.

Glucosamine can be purchased from any health food center or from any drug center where you can easily get some nutritional supplements. Shells of different sea creatures like crab, lobster and shrimp are used to manufacture the supplements of glucosamine.

NOTE: Glucosamine is also used in various sport drinks and also in different kind of cosmetic products.

Glucosamine normally comes in a combination with chondroitin sulfate. Chondroitin sulfate is a kind of molecule present in cartilage. Chondroitin is responsible for preventing cartilage from being destructed by the enzymes attack.

Why Glucosamine is used?

Glucosamine supplements are basically used for the treatment of osteoarthritis disease (Particularly knee osteoarthritis).


About the Author:

Prashant Jain


How Glucosamine Chondroitin is Important for the Cartilage?

Age factor causes various health problems which reduces your capacity to work. By doing regular exercise, this can be reduced and your body can remain flexible and can strengthen your muscles.

Nowadays, with the latest medical research, maintaining good joints is not a big problem. It can be easily done by taking some joint supplements which will help in maintaining flexible joints. Glucosamine chondroitin is one of the joint supplements which are actually two different molecules and two separate supplements. They are found in the normal cartilage.

Proper amount of cartilage is very necessary in the body because it serves as a cushion between two bones. The cartilage is very useful while two bones are rubbed against each other. Glucosamine chondroitin is found in the cartilage. Glucosamine is amino acid based which helps in the development of the cartilage whereas; the chondroitin is a small part of the large protein molecule which provides elasticity to the cartilage. The medical researchers have concluded that by supplying sufficient amount of glucosamine chondroitin, the damage in the cartilage can be reduced.


About the Author:

Want to gain more info on glucosamine chondroitin and other factoid, then please visit the calcium site.

Information about Glucosamine chondroitin

Consumers should know that glucosaminechondroitin act as a supplement having the usage of chondroitin for reducing the pain for those patients suffering from osteoarthritis.  Consumers should know that glucosamine is produced from crab shells whereas chondroitin is obtained from cow trachea which jointly known as Glucosaminechondroitin.  

Many medical studies are not still supporting the fact that glucosaminechondroitin aids in the slower reduction of joint cartilage in the body. Normally the dosages of glucosamineChondroitin is given to the patients in the form such as glucosamine should be 1500 mg and chondroitin near about 1200 mg and the consumer should take it continuously for two months.


About the Author:

To read about glucosamine chondroitine and other information, visit the myrtille site.