Hepatitis C Now More Deadly than AIDS in United States (ContributorNetwork)

ContributorNetwork – Hepatitis C, or HCV, is now causing more deaths in the United States than HIV/AIDS, as reported by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at the 62nd annual meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Disease. Due to the already-high number of baby boomers who die from HCV, the CDC is on the cusp of officially recommending one-time HCV testing for this age group.

Information about Glucosamine chondroitin

Consumers should know that glucosaminechondroitin act as a supplement having the usage of chondroitin for reducing the pain for those patients suffering from osteoarthritis.  Consumers should know that glucosamine is produced from crab shells whereas chondroitin is obtained from cow trachea which jointly known as Glucosaminechondroitin.  

Many medical studies are not still supporting the fact that glucosaminechondroitin aids in the slower reduction of joint cartilage in the body. Normally the dosages of glucosamineChondroitin is given to the patients in the form such as glucosamine should be 1500 mg and chondroitin near about 1200 mg and the consumer should take it continuously for two months.


About the Author:

To read about glucosamine chondroitine and other information, visit the myrtille site.
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