Syrian rebels, pro-government forces reach deal to evacuate Aleppo, Shi’ite villages

A man on a motorcycle drives past burning buses while en route to evacuate ill and injured people from the besieged Syrian villages of al-Foua and Kefraya, after they were attacked and burned, in Idlib provinceBy Lisa Barrington and Suleiman Al-Khalidi BEIRUT/AMMAN (Reuters) – Syrian rebels and pro-government forces reached a deal on Sunday to resume evacuations from east Aleppo in exchange for people being allowed to leave two Shi&;ite villages besieged by insurgents. Some buses and Red Crescent vehicles arrived at the entrance to the villages of al-Foua and Kefraya shortly after the deal was announced, according to al-Manar television, affiliated to the Lebanese group Hezbollah, an ally of Damascus. State television broadcast pictures of flames coming from the green buses which have come to be synonymous with evacuations in Syria.

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