Judge blocks Kansas’ attempt to cut Planned Parenthood from Medicaid

Republican Kansas Governor Brownback speaks to supporters after winning re-election in the U.S. midterm elections in Topeka(Reuters) – A federal judge on Tuesday blocked Kansas Governor Sam Brownback&;s efforts to remove Planned Parenthood, a U.S. women&039;s healthcare and abortion provider, from a government health insurance program for the poor in the state. U.S. District Judge Julie Robinson issued the 54-page order for a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction, ruling the state could not cancel Medicaid provider agreements with Planned Parenthood of Kansas and Mid-Missouri, or PPKM, and Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri, or PPSLR. "It is uncontroverted that PPKM and PPSLR serve hundreds of underprivileged women in the State of Kansas," Robinson said in the order.

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