Drug helps breast cancer patients keep fertility

In this May 29, 2014 photo, Christy Wolford, a breast cancer survivor, holds her youngest son Lucas, 2, as her other children Lauren, 8, Alexander, 4, and Everett, 3, play on the swing in the background at her Primrose School in Fort Collins, Colo. Young women with breast cancer might be able to avoid infertility caused by chemotherapy if they use a drug to shut down their ovaries temporarily, while treatment goes on. Wolford's ovaries were suppressed during cancer treatment and she has had three boys since it ended in 2006. (AP Photo/Ed Andrieski)CHICAGO (AP) — Doctors may have found a way to help young breast cancer patients avoid infertility caused by chemotherapy. Giving a drug to shut down the ovaries temporarily seems to boost the odds they will work after treatment ends, and it might even improve survival, a study found.