Drug may work in melanoma tumors in brain

(2 stars)
Another example of the perils of rushing to report on abstracts released weeks in advance of the American Society of Clinical Oncology meeting. The story fails to provide needed context and explanation, to provide any interviews with anyone, and to disclose potential financial conflicts of interest.

HealthWatch: It’s never too late for exercise

May is National Fitness Month, and there is no better time to start getting into shape. If you have not exercised for a while, if you have physical limitations or if you just lack motivation to get moving, you might consider working with an exercise physiologist.

How much exercise is too much of a good thing?

Overtraining Syndrome. It occurs primarily among professional athletes but anyone who works out can exercise too much. Instead of leading to faster times and better health, too much exercise can be detrimental. Here are some tips on how to tell if you’re overtraining and how to ease up.

Exercise as meditation: Five techniques for success

There is a stereotypical image that meditation can only be performed sitting cross-legged on the floor, eyes closed, and without movement. Proper breathing is the common denominator in both exercise and meditation. While meditation is all about the breath , these same breathing techniques can be applied to enhance your exercise routine. When physically active, the muscles warm up, the blood …

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