• Latest Diets

    @rhettrongun .Thanks for your feed back appreciate it and do understand your point.Take care.

  • Exercise Those Inches Off!

    @nikbunnymen Diabetes aside, many illnesses are caused by micro organisms that are constantly evolving. A lot of the recent evolution in drug resistant bacteria is a direct result of antibiotic treatment actually. It’s not remotely simple to achieve medical utopia as you’re describing. Besides, there are not enough resources on this planet to support a human population unhindered by disease. There would probably just be more humans killing other humans if we stamped out disease.

  • Exercise Those Inches Off!

    So many illnesses around..I just can’t accept that medicine hasn’t found a solution to so many of the illnesses around. Supposedly science has progressed..well were is the progression..why do so many people have to die. Give all humanity a chance to live an enjoyable life free of illnesses..we are all here a short time ..why can’t we all just lve peacefully.

  • Yummy Recipes

    @Leafshinoby …. Thank you.

  • Take Off The Pounds

    @hellscentre it doesn’t produce two types of insulin, the cell needed “two” insulin balls to open, cause with type 2 the blood cells are less sensitive! that’s the only explanation I can tell, cause I not a doctor

  • Take Off The Pounds

    OMG ***!
    -Heart attack
    -Nerve Damage

    I would get this? If I don’t take the if I don’t take the insulin… damn, I haven’t lived for two decades yet…

  • Healthy Eating

    Just a question if anyone can answer.

    I know that Insulin is produced during type 2 diabetes but WHY dont the gets open after the insulin binds to the receptors on the cell?

    WHY DONT THEY OPEN? What are the reasons behind that? If someone will please explain that would be great!

  • Take Off The Pounds

    Yes it is to be cured. IT IS NOT AN ILLNESS, it is chemical poisoning! ALL HUMANS IN THE WESTERN WORLD are more or less suffering from Alzheimers. I HAVE SEEN NUMEROUS CASES; COMPLETELY CURED; WHEN STAYING AWAY FROM CHEMICALS! Try this: Take your mom/dad to a ‘living food’ home, where electrosmog isn’t allowed. If they only use ecological stuff, THEY WILL BE dramatically improved IN 3-5 WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT GOES FOR MANY SEVERE CASES OF AUTISM, ADHD also! Diabetes2 disappears COMPLETELY.

  • Healthy Eating

    @oldieschick16 Well type II diabetes is caused by today’s processed food supply, homogenized and pasteurized meat & dairy products, GMO foods, as well as consuming foods loaded with high fructose corn syrup.Least but not last over consumption of white flour & sugar.Cities that have high levels of Fluoride in the water supply have higher instances of obesity and diabetes since it affects the glands of the bodies including the pancreas.

  • Healthy Eating

    @oldieschick16 Well type II diabetes is caused by today’s processed food supply, homoginized and pasterized meat & dairy products, GMO foods, as well as consuming foods loaded with high fructose corn syrup.Least but not last over consumption of white flour & sugar.Cities that have high levels of Fluoride in the water supply have higher instances of obesity and diabetes since it affects the glands of the bodies including the pancreas.

  • Take Off The Pounds

    I don’t feel any sympathy for type 2 diabetics. They brought it on themselves with their gluttony and apathy towards their health.

  • Exercise Those Inches Off!

    I have 3 years old niece, who has diabetes. I heard about this japanese extract , called Toy-tu. Where can we get toy-tu. I will appreciate any information regarding this extract or elixir. Thank you.

  • Exercise Those Inches Off!

    I have 3 years old niece, who has diabetes. I heard about this japanese extract , called Toy-tu. Where can I get toy-tu. I will appreciate any information regarding this extract or elixir. Thank you.

  • Yummy Recipes

    The key thing we need to teach everyone ClearlyHealth is to stay hydrated and slightly alkalined. The Body only needs minerals, essential fatty acids, and enzymes to function properly. Well that and of course plenty of water and to eat healthy. I think your video is great and we want to help as many people as we can. We are having 100% success rate with diabetes. Let me know if you would like to know more about this miracle satchet of ours that you simply add to your bottled water.

  • Exercise Those Inches Off!

    @Manganese5 It is not always a decision. I admit that I’m biased b/c I am a little overweight and b/c type 2 runs in my family, and because of that bias, I **** to hear ppl put blame on the person who has it. My opinion is that regardless of fault, diabetes–both types–should be cured b/c it is a chronic disease and no one deserves to have their life depend on a daily injection, regardles if it is the person’s “fault” or not.

  • Recipe Of The Day

    @oldieschick16 I do realize that it is harder for some obese people to go out in public and walk around because they may be afraid of being ridiculed about their size which would make them feel even worse but they shouldn’t have let themselves get that way in the first place. They should think about this before they make the decision to gorge themselves.

  • Healthy Eating

    No but it is their fault if they don’t care about being obese and don’t bother educate themselves about proper nutrition and get diabetes type 2 as a result.
    Yes I agree that the pharmaceutical companies are greedy about not wanting to find a cure.

  • Exercise Those Inches Off!

    It depends on how severe the depression is for one thing, and how good/bad a person’s metabolism is. Secondly, I do not think it is fair to point fingers and say “It’s their own fault they have this disease” because that isn’t solving the problem. Before you blame the unhealthy food companies (I’m not saying they don’t deserve blame), how about the medicine/pharmacy industry? How about all of the money being made off of diabetics of both types? They don’t want to find a cure b/c of greed.

  • Healthy Eating

    @oldieschick16 Sadly most obese people get ****** in by corporations promoting sweet sugary, fatty foods because they are cheaper/ easier to prepare/tastier than proper healthy meals.
    Simply, they lack the knowledge of how to eat better.

  • Yummy Recipes

    By the way depression it not an excuse for being lazy.
    I am depressed but I don’t go out and buy kfc or eat sugar because that makes me even more depressed. I get of my *** and go out for a walk or jog which is what most people with depression should do. Exercise reduces depression. People shouldn’t give into depression if they want to be healthy.

  • Yummy Recipes

    @oldieschick16 I know that there are the few exceptions of people who fall outside the normal variation in metabolism that gives them a heavier body weight.
    If they do exercise and eat right then I suppose type 2 diabetes isn’t their fault.
    The majority of obese people need to learn a thing or two about proper nutrition they are probably deficient in iron, zinc, and other micro-nutrients which cause cravings which they mistake for foods with high energy content and little nutritional value.

  • Yummy Recipes

    This is probably why some ppl eat when they are depressed: the body is tricked into thinking it needs energy, when a hormone in the brain is causing the body to be low in energy, the brain probably sends signals to the taste buds and stomach to signal hunger, so that the body can get the energy it feels it lacks. Because depression is a mood disorder, and the lack of energy isn’t caused by lack of food, and the metabolism is low because of the depression, ppl will gain weight.

  • Latest Diets

    Additionally, humans are “programed” to think that sugar/starch tastes good b/c it gives us energy. And, when it was cold and there was less food, we store all the fat we can to stay warm. But because we no longer live in a hunter/gatherer society, certain evolutionary functions that were advantageous then are no longer our advantage now.

  • Take Off The Pounds

    How about ppl that do excersise and eat healthy but have a bad metabolism? Some people are overweight (and end up getting type 2 diabetes as a result) from something being wrong with their metabolism. It isn’t always due to laziness.

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