Hyaluronic Acid – Skin Care Benefits

Hyaluronic acid is a is a natural substance that is present in the connective tissues of our body. It provides lubrication and support to the body tissues and acts as a structural component of the skin that defines its shape and volume.

Functions of Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid is able to retain up to 1,000 times its weight in water. It occurs in the deeper layers of the dermis layer and helps to keep the skin smooth and supple. Here are some important skin care benefits of hyaluronic acid.

High Moisture Retention Capacity

As mentioned earlier, Hyaluronic Acid is able to retain about 1,000 times its weight in water. This ability to retain water and hold moisture is what helps make the skin youthful and vibrant. As we age, the skin grows old and the body starts producing less and less hyaluronic acid. The difference is not very visible in the younger years but becomes more prominent as one starts approaching the 40s. Thus, the skin loses its elasticity and develops wrinkles and fine lines.

Collagen Production

Hyaluronic acid also promotes the formation and maintenance of collagen fibers ensuring that the skin remains firm and taut. When college levels deplete, the skin loses elasticity and the skin tones deteriorates. Hyaluronic acid prevents all of that.

Wound Repair

The skin has a natural ability to heal wounds. However, as we grow old, this ability decreases. This is because the cell mitosis slows down that further degrades the cellular repair and regeneration process. Hyaluronic acid takes care of the situation and prolongs the skin’s natural ability for quick wound repair.


About the Author:

Dr. Marilyn Syrett is a renowned physician and nurtures a keen interest in skin care and the effectiveness of skin care products. She believes that every women has the right to have healthy and flawless skin. She has also reviewed several products from popular brand names like Obagi, iS Clinical, Clinique Medical and so on.