High Blood Pressure | Symptoms and Natural Treatment for High Blood Pressure
Now, one of the issues lies in how to make the diagnosis and this is where confusion often arises. It’s partly about how to define what low blood pressure actually is. The textbooks say it relates to a reading less than 90 systolic and less than 60 diastolic – or less than 90 / 60 to put it another way. This is only partly true however because some people at this level will feel entirely healthy and well. Super fit athletes are a good example of this – they have a slow resting heart rate and a very low resting BP level. This simply shows how well conditioned their heart is. The message is that it’s not enough to simply have low readings, they only count for something if you have symptoms to go with it.
Symptoms of High Blood Pressure:
A woman experiencing symptoms will usually start having pain in the pelvic area, especially during menstruation periods. A sharp pain during or after intercourse can be a strong indication of a cyst, nausea and vomiting, pain or pressure in the abdomen or lower back areas, vaginal spotting, fever, acne, trouble urinating or moving bowels, weight gain, insulin resistance, infertility and high blood pressure. These are just some of the common signs and symptoms.
More so, if you experience two or more of these symptoms at a time then it may be an obvious indicator of a cyst. Take drastic measures if you check with a specialist because they may refer you to unnecessary surgery. Overall, an ovarian cyst does not necessarily need surgery. Surgical treatments often will leave you with a damaged pelvic which will effect your chances of getting children. Hormonal and birth control pills may only help relieve some symptoms but will not actually prevent the cysts from reoccurring. Moreover, the prolonged use of prescription medication can leave behind long term side effects.
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