Weight loss, exercise improve mobility in diabetes

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Losing weight and improving fitness may ward off some of the mobility problems that older overweight people with type 2 diabetes often face, according to a new study. The lifestyle changes helped mobile people stay that way and eased severe mobility problems in others, at least over the short term. Lead author W. Jack Rejeski from Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, said the trends show the importance of encouraging people to get their weight down and exercise sooner, rather than waiting until they develop problems getting around. …

Why online security is taxing our brains

NEW YORK (Reuters) – Nathan Acosta is feeling a little overwhelmed. The 24-year-old from Raleigh, North Carolina, who works for a financial services firm, is trying his best to keep up with all the passwords and security questions he has to juggle, just to log onto his personal accounts. But sometimes it feels like a losing battle. It’s a battle millions of consumers can identify with. For a while it was just your mother’s maiden name, then your first pet, the street you grew up on or the make and model of your first car. …

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