COPD And Swine Flu Can Be Deadly

COPD And Swine Flu Can Be A Deadly Combination

Some individuals have a higher risk for complications or even death if they are infected with swine flu. Lung conditions like COPD and asthma are a few of the factors that can increase your risk. COPD sufferers have a much higher incidence of severe complications than others.

COPD, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, is a condition that makes it hard to breathe. Most times, this disease gets worse as time goes on. The symptoms of COPD are: coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and other symptoms.

Almost 41 percent of individuals hospitalized in New York suffered from COPD, asthma, or some other lung condition. And recently, 7 swine flu deaths were reported in New York. Of those seven deaths, six of the individuals had some sort of lung disease. If you are afflicted with COPD you should speak with your doctor and ask him if he recommends any special precautions regarding the swine flu, even before an outbreak occurs in your area.


About the Author:

For further info on copd and swine flu, download my guide on How To Reduce Your Risk of Swine Flu Infection By 98%. You can download my complete system at Asthma and Swine Flu!
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