Mesothelioma vs Lung Cancer

Cancer is the malignant growth of cells in the human body. It comes in many forms and each seems to have its own method of causing havoc. Given the variety of cancers, it is hardly surprising that some are inadvertently mixed up when discussed. This is often the case with Mesothelioma and lung cancer.

The first thing to understand is neither Mesothelioma nor lung cancer is ever a diagnosis you want to have. They represent two of the more difficult forms of cancer to treat. That being said, it is often assumed that one is the other and vice versa. This is often due to the fact that Mesothelioma is associated with the inhalation of asbestos which obviously incorporates the lungs. In truth, the two are unique and different. Let’s take a look.

By: Thomas Ajava

About the Author:

Thomas Ajava writes for – where you can locate a Mesothelioma lawyer in Columbus to answer your questions and handle your case.