Breakthrough obesity drug
Grant will provide exercise equipment for schools (Evansville Courier & Press)
Eight Evansville schools will receive health and nutrition counseling and exercise equipment through a $1.3 million federal grant recently awarded to the St. Mary’s Foundation. The three-year Carol M. White Physical Education Grant grant will include $450,000 to be allocated during the foundation’s current fiscal year, which began July 1. The remainder will be received in two later installments, …
Trial for New Lupus Treatment Is Called Promising
Sabria Jawhar: If Saudi Women Are Not Permitted to do Anything, at Least Let Them Exercise (The Huffington Post)
For generations the Saudi female has been denied the right to physical exercise, a key aspect of living an active and happy life that benefits not only the woman but her entire family.
Study From Duke University: Favored heart-bypass method found harmful
Dancing, Done Properly, Is Good Exercise (Oswego County Today)
Dancing seems to be on a lot of people’s minds lately. “So,” you might be thinking, “what is the connection between that and chiropractics?” The connections are two fold: First, patient interest. Secondly: I am interested in your physical and mental well being and dancing can be a wonderful form of exercise if done with your health and physical fitness in mind.
Gentle exercise a way to get body moving again (Walla Walla Union-Bulletin)
Easy does it. That works for a number of things, including exercise. But physical activity is also part of a balanced, independent lifestyle.