Obamacare enrollment push for the young enters 11th hour

Applications are seen at a rally held by supporters of the Affordable Care Act in Jackson, MississippiBy David Morgan WASHINGTON (Reuters) – One of the latest Obamacare pitches to get young adults to sign up for health insurance starts out with a mother's kitchen note reminding her grown son to enroll. "Mom, you know I can't afford it," the young black man protests, as he sits down at a kitchen table next to a bespectacled woman with a laptop computer linked to the U.S. federal enrollment website, HealthCare.gov. "You go to the HealthCare.gov website, compare quality plans and you could get help paying for it." The government-sponsored television ad, which is airing on five national cable-TV channels, including ABC Family and TVLand, is part of an uphill battle to increase youth participation in President Barack Obama's signature domestic policy achievement. Youth participation in the program is a key factor in whether the program succeeds or fails in its first year.