Obama Tries to Sneak Major Health Care Reform Into Economic Stimulus Bill

(NaturalNews) Under the cover of emergency economic legislation the front wave of an entire new system of health care is being pushed on Americans. The strategy for this ploy was once explained by Obama’s former appointee to head the Department of Health and Human Services, and now exposed tax cheat, Senator Tom Daschle. Daschle spells out the plan on pages 196-197 of his book, Critical , What We Can Do About the Health Care Crisis, “The next president should act immediately to capitalize on the goodwill that greets any incoming administration. If that means attaching a health-care plan to the federal budget, so be it. This issue is too important to be stalled by Senate protocol.” In other words, public debate should be avoided, forget about democracy , so that Obama-care does not meet the same fate as Hillary-care.

In the last few days a debate on this issue has blown up on national TV, talk radio, and the internet. It began with an article published on Bloomberg titled, “Ruin Your Health With the Obama Stimulus Plan” by Betsy McCaughey. McCaughey says the plan could be used to ration care to the elderly, putting government, not doctors, in charge of what care will be delivered. She has been interviewed on Lou Dobbs and Glenn Beck. Fox News, the Drudge Report, and even Rush Limbaugh have spread the news. Limbaugh warned his listening audience that their patient privacy was at stake and that “Your medical treatments will be tracked electronically by a federal system.” The bottom line of their messages: quality of care and type of care will not be determined by the doctor, but rather by a new system of cost containment implemented by the federal government.


Democrats have found themselves on the defense. While getting grilled on FOX news Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.) said, “There is nothing in this legislation that interferes with a doctor making a decision, with the patient, on what is appropriate care. What is in this legislation is an effort to make sure we share information , generically, appropriately , so doctors and medical providers can have the best information, but there’s nothing in this bill that compromises the decision-making between the doctor and the patient.”

Democratic websites have attacked McCaughey, saying she is reading more into the bill than is actually there. She has fired back, saying the health-care language in the bill has nothing whatsoever to do with new jobs and jump starting the economy. She says, “Americans deserve an open and honest debate about creating a federal healthcare infrastructure of this magnitude. These health provisions should be removed from the stimulus bill and offered to Congress in separate legislation.”

We even have Scott Gottlieb getting into the discussion, the former second in command at the FDA, who during his time at the FDA advocated the industry-friendly position that Americans should be exposed to dangerous and expensive drug experiments and have no right to recourse if they are injured. Now he says, “The bill will be used to create guidelines to direct doctors’ treatment of difficult, high-cost medical problems.” His statement means that Big Pharma and Big Biotech are really concerned that their future cash-cow experiments may not be covered by the new plan.

Indeed, Big Pharma was really upset about parts of the plan that called for spending government money to try and compare the effectiveness of drugs, one to another. This provision has now been changed based on intense lobbying over the past few days. Such a provision would have been really bad news for Big Pharma, as it would quickly be discovered that their drugs hardly work at all to produce positive health outcomes, especially in preventive medicine. For a more comprehensive understanding of Big Pharma in relation to the health care handouts in this bill, read my article “Is Obama Bailing Out Big Pharma’s Bursting Bubble.”


The Hill website reported in early December that Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) wanted health IT in the stimulus bill to help avoid a fight on healthcare early in 2009 when lawmakers were drafting broader healthcare legislation. “There are going to be certain costs of healthcare reform — upfront costs. If I can put some of those upfront costs in the so-called stimulus bill, I’d rather put them there….We’ve got to create a very significant upfront effort early on and keep the momentum going on healthcare,” said Baucus, who added he was in regular contact with the Obama team, Kennedy and other key lawmakers.


Several things are certain. Health IT has nothing to do with meaningful stimulus for the economy. It is in the stimulus bill to get its own financial stimulus, helping to jump start Obama-care without any public debate.

The Scope of Obama’s Health IT
In the 680 page House version of the stimulus bill (H.R.1.E.H., pdf version), almost 200 pages are spent on Health IT (434-627). Right away you can understand that this is a comprehensive piece of legislation, taking up almost 1/3 of the bill. The legislation establishes within the Department of Health and Human Services an Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, which will be headed by a National Coordinator. This is like creating a new FDA, meaning the size of this new branch of government will end up quite large. It states various admirable purposes, such as ensuring electronic health information is secure and that it is used to better patient care. An overall goal is to have an electronic health record for every American by 2014 (page 445).


This is not a passive IT system that is collecting data. It is intended to be used as a tool to deploy a type of care it deems appropriate based on government employees making policy-related health decisions, with a stated purpose so the IT system “provides appropriate information to help guide medical decisions at the time and place of care.” (page 442)

Anybody reading this legislation quickly realizes that it is much more than a health IT system. It is a new type of health care with a blank check on expanding its regulatory powers to accomplish anything it deems appropriate. For example, on page 447 it reads, “REPORT ON ADDITIONAL FUNDING OR AUTHORITY NEEDED. — Not later than 12 months after the date of the enactment of this title, the National Coordinator shall submit to the appropriate committees of jurisdiction of the House of Representatives and the Senate a report on any additional funding or authority the Coordinator or the HIT Policy Committee or HIT Standards Committee requires to evaluate and develop standards, implementation specifications, and certification criteria, or to achieve full participation of stakeholders in the adoption of a nationwide health information technology infrastructure that allows for the electronic use and exchange of health information.”

A short version of this is “the National Coordinator shall report on any additional authority required to achieve full participation of stakeholders.” In other words, everyone will play ball and or else the National Coordinator must seek more power to be able to get everyone in line.

The legislation makes it clear that this is not just about your personal health. On page 455 it says, “the HIT Policy Committee may consider the following additional areas: The appropriate uses of a nation wide health information infrastructure, including for purposes of biosurveillance and public health.” This approves the use of your health information for military-related needs and other public health measures (meaning did you get all your vaccinations? etc.). It is not at all a stretch of the imagination to interpret this to mean that your electronic health record will be used to ensure you are in compliance with public health initiatives.

The legislation specifically mandates compliance by the private sector, page 470: “SEC. 4112. APPLICATION TO PRIVATE ENTITIES. Each agency (relating to promoting quality and efficient health care in Federal government administered or sponsored health care programs) shall require in contracts or agreements with health care providers, health plans, or health insurance issuers that as each provider, plan, or issuer implements, acquires, or upgrades health information technology systems, it shall utilize, where available, health information technology systems and products that meet standards and implementation specifications.”

In other words, all health professionals are required to abide by the standards of care that are determined in conjunction with the cost containment and “best practices” ideas of the federal government, whatever they may be. This means that the government is directly telling doctors how to practice medicine, and even what kind of medicine is allowed, contrary to what Senator Cardin told FOX news.

The theme and importance of conforming to the government’s idea of medical care is further spelled out in the section on the MEDICARE PROGRAM – INCENTIVES FOR ELIGIBLE PROFESSIONALS. This section introduces the term “meaningful user,” which is repeatedly used in the context of a health professional who is conforming to whatever the IT system tells them to do with their patients. It offers them bonuses up to $15,000 per year to comply with the IT health guidelines. (page 513) This means your doctor’s bonus could be more important than the right decision for your health.

The goal is to get doctors in the loop and then force them to comply with guidelines of care: “The Secretary shall seek to improve the use of electronic health records and health care quality over time by requiring more stringent measures of meaningful use.” (page 518) This is an open-ended and vaguely defined approach that could mean almost anything.

Freedom and Choice are Being Sacrificed
The price of this legislation cannot be measured in dollars. The price of this legislation should be measured in your loss of freedom, loss of privacy, and loss of choice relating to your own health. The government will want your DNA in its database next. It will want a chip in your arm to really keep track of you and your health. One thing will lead to another.

This legislation represents a broad and sweeping change in the type of care you will be able to receive. And that care will be set by the government, by unelected bureaucrats with who knows what agenda.

If this is what Americans really want then it should be debated and discussed openly on its merits. Freedom is not easily regained once it is lost. Once upon a time the people of Germany had a truly advanced health care system called the “freedom to cure.” It encouraged alternative health practitioners to practice side by side with medical doctors, offering true freedom of choice, all in the best interests of the patient. That was a long time ago.

In the name of public health, those freedoms were set aside for the rise of a socialist system. It was recognized that health freedom fostered mental health and free thinking citizens, and those rights were not compatible with socialism. Health freedom and general health choice were obliterated in the name of the greater good. The government had control. Even though Hitler was stopped, Germany has never regained its health freedom and today has one of the most repressive socialist health care systems on earth.

Certainly we want to do what we can to help Americans who are struggling with health problems, especially when those problems were not created by their own poor choices. It is simply not right to sacrifice our identity as a free people to accomplish that objective.

About the author: Byron J. Richards, Board-Certified Clinical Nutritionist, nationally-renowned nutrition expert, and founder of Wellness Resources is a leader in advocating the value of dietary supplements as a vital tool to maintain health. He is an outspoken critic of government and Big Pharma efforts to deny access to natural health products and has written extensively on the life-shortening and health-damaging failures of the sickness industry. www.wellnessresources.com [email protected]

The Need for Prevention in Health-Care Reform

(NaturalNews) A physician I knew (he died at a ripe old age) once quipped, “Medicine is America`s fastest growing failing business.” And unless we refocus our entire approach to health care, it`s going to grow and fail even faster.

Most proposals for health-care reform have focused on either expanding the availability of insurance or reducing the costs of prescription drugs. While needed, these approaches are essentially extensions of a dysfunctional health-care system, and they fail to correct the system`s fundamental flaws.

Health care (of which medicine is part) is an oxymoron. It`s really a disease-care system that continues to exist only because of the rationing of treatment. Millions of people are excluded from health-care coverage, and others must deal with huge out-of-pocket expenses or simply do without.

The solution I envision would transform this disease-care system into a genuine health-care system. The only way to accomplish this, at a price this nation can afford, is to emphasize prevention.

I don`t mean inoculations or well-baby checkups, although they certainly should be part of any health-care system. Nor do I mean near-compulsive cholesterol and blood pressure checks, although they too have a place.

Rather, I recommend that the incoming Obama administration fund a large federal and state campaign that tackles prevention in a way similar to how government discouraged the use of tobacco products. The anti-tobacco campaign has largely worked, and one focusing on prevention can work as well.

Focusing on prevention is imperative. Unless we reduce the demands placed on disease care, the current or extended disease-care system will eventually collapse financially.

Nearly all experts agree that most chronic health problems result from poor eating habits, a lack of physical activity, and other lifestyle issues, such as smoking and alcohol consumption. These are behaviors that can be modified to reduce the risk of disease, and less disease means lower health-care costs.

It`s important that this campaign convey the message that each and every one of us is a partner in our own health. We can`t abuse our bodies and then expect doctors or magic pills to reverse the damage, regardless of who pays. We must acknowledge our personal responsibility for staying healthy and do a much better job of eating more nutritious foods and staying reasonably fit.

I would make nutrition the foundation of any health-care campaign, for a couple of reasons. First, it`s the basis of our biology and biochemistry. Second, two of every three Americans are now overweight or obese. More than 23 million have type 2 diabetes, and somewhere between 40 and 100 million have some form of prediabetes. These are signs that our eating habits and lifestyles are truly warped. Ominously, these health problems increase the risk of heart disease and most other chronic degeneration diseases.

There`s no need to get distracted by arguments over which diet is best. Everything I`ve learned about healthy habits boils down to emphasizing fresh foods over almost anything that comes in a box, can, jar, bottle, or bag. It`s as simple as that. Opt for a piece of fish or chicken and some vegetables instead of a burger and fries in the drive-thru. And yes, eat smaller portions.

Physical fitness is important as well. While we don`t have to build Schwarzenegger-type bodies, we do need to realize that all the time we spend in front of televisions and computers helps make us fat. Just going for a daily walk improves blood sugar and weight, and obviously the more we do, the better off we`ll be.

Food companies could certainly be given incentives to help spread the word about eating better and becoming more physically active. They could also retool some of their food products to wean people off junk foods. After all, the health of their profits will at some point depend on the health of the nation.

A consortium of medical societies, food-industry lobbying groups, and vitamin supplement associations could also help underwrite consumer-education campaigns geared to preventing disease.

Even the Food and Drug Administration could play a role by clearly discouraging the use of hydrogenated oils and caloric sweeteners, maybe by requiring warning labels on some packages. The FDA could also streamline the now complicated processes of making health claims for foods and supplements.

Doctors may dismiss my proposal by saying that patients want a quick fix (code word for prescription drug) and aren`t compliant with dietary changes. But the studies show that one-on-one nutrition coaching and follow-ups do result in compliance and consistency.

Will there be resistance to what I propose? Of course they will be. Every billion dollars saved in disease care will translate to a billion lost in drug company and hospital profits.

But something has got to give. As a nation, we`ve got to get off our duff and make some changes. It`s far easier, better, and less costly in the long run to prevent (or lower the risk of) disease than to struggle to treat it. Furthermore, as people get healthier, they will also have more energy, use fewer sick days, and be more productive. That can only be good for our economy.

We need more than a Band-Aid when it comes to reforming health care and controlling costs. I hate to say it, but for a permanent cure, health care needs major surgery followed, of course, by a lean diet and time to heal. This process will certainly take more than a couple of years to yield clear benefits, but so did the campaign to reduce tobacco use.

About the author
Jack Challem, The Nutrition Reporter ™, is a personal nutrition coach and one of America’s most trusted nutrition and health writers. Based in Tucson, Arizona, he is the bestselling author of more than 20 books, including Stop Prediabetes Now, The Food-Mood Solution, Feed Your Genes Right, and The Inflammation Syndrome. Jack is a columnist for Alternative and Complementary Therapies and his scientific articles have also appeared in Free Radical Biology and Medicine, Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, Medical Hypotheses, and other journals. Free, downloadable excerpts from his books, and sample issues of his print newsletters are available at http://www.nutritionreporter.com.

Diet High in Vitamin C Reduces Risk of Diabetes

(NaturalNews) High levels of dietary vitamin C intake may reduce the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Institute of Metabolic Science at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, England, and published in the Archives of Internal Medicine.

At the study’s start, the researchers measured the vitamin C levels in blood samples taken from 21,831 healthy women and men between the ages of 40 and 75. Twelve years later, 312 of the women and 423 of the men had developed Type 2 diabetes, totaling 3.2 percent of the study population.

Comparing vitamin C blood levels with diabetes risk, the researchers found that participants with the highest vitamin C levels had a 62 percent lower risk of developing Type 2 diabetes than participants who had the lowest blood levels of the vitamin.

Using survey information provided by participants at the beginning of the study, the researchers adjusted their findings for the influence of other diabetes risk factors such as age, sex, alcohol or tobacco intake, physical activity level, body mass index and a family history of the disease. The association between vitamin C status and lower diabetes risk did not change.

The researchers noted that vitamin C levels are a very reliable marker of fruit and vegetable consumption. The data “re-endorse the public health message of the beneficial effect of increasing total fruit and vegetable intake,” they wrote, and provide “persuasive evidence of a beneficial effect of vitamin C and fruit and vegetable intake on diabetes risk.”

According to the World Health Organization, approximately 171 million people around the world currently suffer from diabetes, a number that is expected to increase to 350 million by 2030. In the United States, the American Diabetes Association estimates that 20 million people, or 7 percent of the population, have been diagnosed with the disease. Another 6.2 million are diabetic but undiagnosed, with 41 million more considered prediabetic.

Sources for this story include: www.reuters.com.

FDA Declares Form of Vitamin B6 a Drug, Effectively Banning Pyridoxamine from Dietary Supplements

(NaturalNews) The FDA has effectively banned a naturally-occurring form of vitamin B6 called pyridoxamine by declaring it to be a drug, reports the American Association for Health Freedom. Responding to a petition filed by a drug company, the FDA declared pyridoxamine to be “a new drug.”

Now, any nutritional supplements containing pyridoxamine will be considered adulterated and illegal by the FDA, which may raid vitamin companies and seize such products. See the history of FDA raids on vitamin companies here: http://www.naturalnews.com/021791.html

Pyridoxamine occurs naturally in fish, chicken and other foods (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitamin_B6), putting the FDA in the strange position of banning a substance from dietary supplements even though it is already present in the food supply.

The FDA’s war on Mother Nature
It’s not the first time the FDA has declared a natural molecule to be a “drug” while attacking nutritional supplements that contain the same molecule. A similar story unfolded with red yeast rice and the lovastatin molecules it contains that lower high cholesterol. The drug companies engaged in biopiracy, ripping off the molecule from red yeast rice to make their now-famous “statin drugs.” Once the statin drugs were patented, Big Pharma and the FDA went after red yeast rice, claiming the supplement was “adulterated with pharmaceuticals.”

It wasn’t really adulterated, of course. It just contained a natural statin-drug-like molecule that the drug companies copied and patented.

It would be like Big Pharma patenting vitamin C, then the FDA claiming that all oranges and lemons were adulterated with drugs because they naturally contain their own vitamin C.

This is the insanity of the FDA as it operates today. You can read more about the FDA on our channel webiste www.FDAreform.org which is updated every few days.

So will this ruling on pyridoxamine affect nutritional supplements? Yes, any supplements containing this form of vitamin B6 can now be declared “adulterated” by the FDA. Manufacturers of such supplements can be arrested and shut down for engaging in “illegal drug trafficking.” Such is the nature of the FDA’s agenda to criminalize nutritional supplement companies and limit consumers’ access to Mother Nature’s remedies.

The pyridoxamine “drug,” by the way (which is just pyridoxamine), is designed to prevent the progression of diabetic nephrothapy (kidney disease). Most likely, the FDA will eventually approve the “drug” for that condition, even while claiming vitamin B6 supplements containing the very same chemical are useless and insert.

This is another classic oppression tactic of the FDA: Ban the herb, but promote the drug using the same chemicals. The same thing happened with ephedra, a Traditional Chinese Medicine herb known as ma huang. The FDA banned the herb, saying it was “dangerous at any dose,” but pharmaceuticals containing the very same molecules (ephedrine) are still being sold over-the-counter as cold medicines, meaning they’re available to any child without a prescription.

The bottom line is this: FDA approvals and bans have nothing to do with science and everything to do with protecting drug companies profits. If a drug company can make money selling a vitamin as a drug, the FDA will gladly ban the vitamin and protect the drug. If a drug company can rip off molecules from Mother Nature and patent them, the FDA will ban those same molecules found in nature.

All of this points to the urgent need to reform the FDA. A new petition demanding real FDA reform will be announced here on NaturalNews in the coming days.

Sources for this story include:

AAHF: http://aahf.nonprofitsoapbox.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=677&Itemid=

NewsFood.com: http://www.newsfood.com/?location=English&item=55070

NaturalProductsInsider.com: http://www.naturalproductsinsider.com/hotnews/fda-nixes-pyridoxamine-in-supplements.html

The Flawed Theory Behind Vaccinations, and Why MMR Jabs Endanger Your Child’s Health

(NaturalNews) Conventional medical doctors around the world (and the drug companies that support them) want all children to be vaccinated against measles, mumps, HPV, chicken pox and literally over a hundred other diseases. Bill Gates even supports the effort to “eradicate” disease from our planet by vaccinating people in developing nations. It all sounds like a noble goal, but like any such effort, it is based on an assumption. Upon closer inspection, that assumption turns out to be nothing more than blatant quacksterism hidden behind the technical jargon of modern medicine.

What assumption am I referring to? The assumption that immune system intervention (vaccines) produces a better long-term result than immune system adaptation (allowing the person to conquer such infections on their own).

At first, it may seem like a no-brainer: Of course it’s better to not get infected! Or, at least, that’s the conclusion most doctors jump to without any real thought on the subject. In their minds, immune system intervention is obviously superior to immune system adaptation. And in fact they dismiss anyone who dares question this wisdom of modern vaccines. But is this assumption really true?

In other words, is it true from a scientific perspective? Do mass vaccinations for non-fatal diseases actually improve the health and lives of those who receive them?

Vaccines don’t stand up to scientific scrutiny
I realize it may seem odd to invoke the laws of scientific reasoning on this issue. Vaccinations are supposed to be accepted without reason, without question by both medical professional and the public, right? Even daring to question vaccines is akin to questioning Darwinism in the minds of many.

But this, of course, reveals the fatal flaw of the pro-vaccine gang: They are afraid of being questioned. They fear scientific scrutiny so much that they have to reframe the entire debate as one made up of “doctors vs. quacks” rather than one of scientific evidence (which they don’t have) vs. quackery (which they have lots of).

This is the strategy of the intellectually desperate. Truth does not fear investigation, and if vaccines are so provably useful for enhancing the health of children, then doctors shouldn’t mind people asking questions or even openly debating the merits of vaccination programs. And yet what you see with vaccines today is a cult-like worship of vaccines that despises scrutiny or even solid science. Vaccines are good because they tell us so, and that should be sufficient reason, we’re told.

Is it their authority that makes vaccines “scientific,” not actually any real science.

So much for the scientific method when it comes to medicine, huh?

Mild infections actually IMPROVE health
Meanwhile, new research is showing that human health improves when it is EXPOSED to full-strength pathogens and infections that force the body to activate an adaptive response.

For example, new research conducted at Nottingham University (in the UK) is studying whether infecting patients with microscopic parasites (hookworms) actually improves their body’s ability to deal with multiple sclerosis. A pioneering study in Argentina showed positive results for asthma patients, demonstrating that hookworm infections invoke a healthy adaptive response in the body that tends to tame asthma.

In fact, as this Telegraph story explains (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/4375170/Infecting-patients-with-worms-could-hold-key-to-treating-asthma.html), one of the primary reasons why so many first-world citizens are getting sick with degenerative disease these days may be that people aren’t exposed to enough infections in their lives.

This “hygiene hypothesis” challenges the conventional wisdom of vaccinations, which instead believes that the human body should be denied the experience of a full-strength infection (and the adaptive response that follows).

It is the odd belief of vaccine promoters, in other words, that the human body is inherently incapable of dealing with infections and must be protected through chemical intervention. This deeply-rooted lack of faith in the technology of the human body is a bedrock belief of western medicine, which prefers intervention over self care (and external solutions instead of internal ones). By sheer coincidence, this core belief also happens to maximize the profits of the drug companies and conventional medical practitioners who thrive on the revenues created through medical intervention.

The upshot of all this is the sobering realization that children need to play in the dirt. Eating a piece of food you drop on the floor won’t kill you (the five-second rule!), and there IS such as thing as being “too clean.”

Are people trying to live like the Bubble Boy?
The public’s strange fascination with anti-bacterial soaps (which have been widely shown to actually promote superbug populations) (http://www.naturalnews.com/022178.html), antibiotics and vaccines shows a remarkable fear of the real world, as if people are seeking to hide inside sterilized plastic bubbles, free from the scary germs of the world.

Doctors prey upon this fear by scaring parents into thinking their child might die if they don’t get them vaccinated. The germs of the world are to be feared, doctors say, not embraced. Modern medicine’s “War on Germs” is a lot like George Bush’s “War on Terror.” It’s a never-ending war against an imaginary opponent, used primarily to control people into doing what you want.

But I say this theory is fundamentally flawed. It is based on what seems to be obvious, but in truth is far more complex. It SEEMS that protecting children from chicken pox, for example, is good for them, but in reality that intervention deprives their immune systems of the adaptive response necessary to protect against future, more serious infections.

An immune system, much like a musculoskeletal system, needs exercise to stay strong. When denied exposure to real pathogens, it becomes weak and lazy, depriving the person of the immune system experience needed to mature and adapt. A child deprived of chicken pox today is far more likely to be stricken by other infectious diseases in the future — diseases for which effective vaccines will never exist.

And thus the entire belief system upon which vaccinations are based appears to be fundamentally flawed when considering non-fatal infections. I’m not arguing that a person working in a biohazard facility shouldn’t be vaccinated against Ebola or Marburg or other extremely deadly virulent strains. There is no healthy adaptive response to such aggressive, dangerous pathogens. But neither are such deadly strains any real risk to the public: They kill their victims too quickly to successfully spread throughout the population. As any CDC official will tell you, the most widespread strains of infectious disease are the weakest strains because they can live in hosts and incubate for long enough to be transmitted to others.

Children should not be vaccinated against these largely non-fatal pathogens that actually serve an important function in the maturation of that child’s immune system technology.

One child, one thousand vaccines
Today, we are over-vaccinating our children to the point of utterly ridiculousness, and some doctors are claiming the effort should be boosted to include even as many as “one thousand vaccines.” The more, the merrier!

And yet this vaccination agenda, upon closer inspection, appears to be based entirely on an irrational belief in vaccines rather than a scientifically-proven benefit derived from the intervention. Science, in fact, isn’t even allowed in this debate. Opponents of vaccines are screamed right out of the room before they can even raise a single point of objection.

The only science they can really quote concerns whether or not the child’s body develops antibodies following the vaccine injection. This is an incredibly short-sighted view that completely disregards the long-term consequences of this immune system intervention. Then again, such short-sighted views characterize modern medicine, which essentially ignores the long-term effects of practically everything it promotes: Vaccines, pharmaceuticals, chemotherapy, radiation treatments and so on.

When science becomes gospel, it is no longer science, but just another religion framed in a different jargon. There’s nothing wrong with religion, of course, but when vaccine-pushing scientists dismiss religion as being “unscientific” and then resort to precisely the same strategy of faith-based pronouncements of truth in their own work, they only demonstrate the irrational double standard upon which their agenda is based.

Vaccines are not to be questioned, period. And anyone who questions them shall be interrogated by the Church of Modern Medicine. I wonder if the ghosts of Copernicus and Galileo might have a few words to say about that? Modern medicine has become to real science what the Church of the year 1633 was to Galileo (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galileo_Galilei).

The Scientific Revolution unleashed by those great minds of human history has now been all but abandoned by pushers of pharmaceutical profits at the expense of human health. Vaccines fail every scientific test of long-term safety or even efficacy, and yet they continue to be pushed as gospel by believers in the chemical interventions of modern medicine.

To call them quacks as actually missing the point. They are not actually knowingly committing fraud. Most of these doctors and health authorities actually believe what they’re doing is right. And therein lies the greater danger — they are cult-like believers in a system of treatment that defies scientific questioning. In their minds, the vaccine theory is beyond questioning. It is gospel. It is truth. And those who dare question it are, in their minds, lunatics from the start.

These are the obvious signs of modern medicine’s dangerous descent into medical fanaticism. Vaccine promoters are, in every way, fanatically dedicated to their irrational beliefs that intervening in the immune system in better than allowing the immune system to do its job.

And if you break this down to the essential underlying concepts, here’s what it all really means:

Doctors believe that THEIR technology is superior to the technology of the human immune system.

Arrogance, in other words. Man is smarter than Mother Nature. Chemicals are superior to the body’s own immune system nanotechnology. These beliefs characterize the gospel of modern medicine, and they simultaneously reveal a highly pessimistic view of Mother Nature.

Darwinism, Natural Selection and the fatal contradiction in western medical philosophy
One reason this is all so fascinating is because virtually all vaccine pushers also believe in Darwinism and the laws of natural selection. Those very laws dictate that, over hundreds of thousands of years of mutation and natural selection, nature would have chosen the most fit and most biologically advanced members of the human race to survive and pass on their genes.

Thus, the human beings that survived to today are, by their own definition of natural selection, the most advanced forms of life possible within the species. We are the cream of the crop, the super-fit humans who survived while our lesser-qualified peers died and disappeared from the gene pool.

And yet, all of a sudden, by pushing vaccines, these same doctors are admitting they have NO faith in the technology of the very human beings they claim are genetically superior thanks to natural selection!

This simple example exposes the flawed philosophy of western medical scientists and doctors. Their ideas simply don’t add up. Are humans genetically superior survivors possessing top-class immune system technology derived from millennia of natural selection? Or are they chemically-deficient, immune-suppressed failures of immune system technology that warrant aggressive pharmaceutical intervention?

Vaccine pushers want to have it both ways. They want you to believe your immune system is the technical equivalent of a biological supercomputer, created by countless mutations that selected for superior beings. But if you walk into a doctor’s office and tell them you’re a superior being with a highly advanced immune system based on hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, they’ll jab you with a vaccine anyway, because they actually don’t believe human beings possess any advanced immune system technology at all.

You cannot believe in Natural Selection and vaccines at the same time. Not without holding a bizarre contradiction in your own head.

Then again, modern medicine is a comedy of contradiction. And why should we expect anything different from these geniuses when it comes to the vaccine question?

Whether doctors, or students or priests, those who do not question their own beliefs are doomed to fanaticism in all its various forms. The vaccine-pushing agenda of modern times is, in every way, a form of runaway medical fanaticism full of contradiction.

My own beliefs on this issue make a lot more sense: Mother Nature produces amazing technology, and the human immune system is one of the most advanced biological supercomputers that has ever existed on our planet. That immune system, when properly supported, can easily overcome common infections. Vaccines are not merely unnecessary; they are a chemical assault that damages the immune system and interferes with the immune technology that should be embraced, not hijacked.

I trust Mother Nature’s technology over the interventions of profit-minded doctors and drug companies, and I dismiss modern medicine’s view of the human body as being ridiculously pessimistic. Modern doctors are, in a very real sense, biological “doom and gloomers” who want you to believe that, without their expensive interventions, you’re doomed to die of disease.

And that’s just plain bunk.

Research and sources
To support the statements in this story, I have collected over 50 quotes from health experts, authors and researchers on the subject of vaccines and the immune system. You can read that full list here: http://www.naturalnews.com/025595.html

Read those quotes to learn more about the harm of vaccines.

BDNF Prevents and Reverses Alzheimer’s Disease

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego, have provided ground-breaking proof that a natural protein called BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) can prevent and treat Alzheimer’s. The study was carried out in a variety of animal models including mice, rats, and monkeys.

‘The effects of BDNF were potent,’ said Mark Tuszynski, MD, PhD, lead researcher. ‘When we administered BDNF to memory circuits in the brain, we directly stimulated their activity and prevented cell death from the underlying disease.’

The researchers reported that ‘In each case, when compared with control groups not treated with BDNF, the treated animals demonstrated significant improvement in the performance of a variety of learning and memory tests. Notably, the brains of the treated animals also exhibited restored BDNF gene expression, enhanced cell size, improved cell signaling, and activation of function in neurons that would otherwise have degenerated, compared to untreated animals. These benefits extended to the degenerating hippocampus where short-term memory is processed, one of the first regions of the brain to suffer damage in Alzheimer’s disease.’

As I recently reported in my article, Top 10 Health Breakthroughs of 2008, BDNF may well be the molecule of the year, as BDNF is key to keeping your nerve cells alive and stimulating the growth of new nerve cells. Since your nerve cells are important for regulating everything else, keeping them in top working condition not only means that your mind will stay sharp it means you are likely to live longer and healthier. This new study adds significantly to the power of BDNF because it was able to prevent and reverse Alzheimer’s independent of the amyloid plaque tangles.

The great news is that BDNF levels can be naturally boosted. Aerobic exercise boosts BDNF. The most important nutrient that helps is pantethine, providing the needed basic compound (cysteamine) that nerve cells need in order to make BDNF. Nutrients that also help make BDNF or protect it from declining are acetyl-l-carnitine, fish oil, blueberries, and curcumin.

This gives a solid two-pronged natural approach to preserving your nerves. On the one hand, you can boost BDNF. On the other hand, other new research has shown that grape seed extracts will prevent amyloid plaque tangles from forming in the first place.

It is very important to understand that adverse changes within the brain that eventually result in disease are progressively happening during the aging process. Older adults with sharp memory and cognitive function have far less brain wear and tear than ‘normal’ aging adults who are loosing function and heading in the direction of more serious cognitive decline and potential Alzheimer’s. And now it is rather sad to report that Alzheimer’s is beginning to happen to adults in their 40s, as individuals burn out their nerves at ever younger ages.

BDNF is the closet thing to the fountain of youth yet discovered.

For a fully referenced version of this article:


About the author: Byron J. Richards, Board-Certified Clinical Nutritionist, nationally-renowned nutrition expert, and founder of Wellness Resources is a leader in advocating the value of dietary supplements as a vital tool to maintain health. He is an outspoken critic of government and Big Pharma efforts to deny access to natural health products and has written extensively on the life-shortening and health-damaging failures of the sickness industry. www.wellnessresources.com [email protected]

How to Lose Weight with Chia Seeds

(NaturalNews) What are chia seeds? What we know as chia seeds are the seeds from the Chia plant, which is a member of the mint family of plants. They do not have a minty taste, in fact they don`t taste of much at all. The benefits of chia lie in its nutritional value; it`s high in omega-3 fatty acid (ref: http://www.therawfoodworld.com/product_info.php?products_id=1001457), has plenty of fiber, and is abundant in various other vitamins and minerals. It can be added to just about anything you want to eat: salad, smoothies, deserts or savory foods. And that`s not all; chia can actually help you lose weight.

How to lose weight with chia seeds? Firstly, all of the nutritional value in chia seeds will result in a healthier body, and therefore more energy. It`s quite easy for someone who is slim and full of energy to go for a run in the morning, but for an overweight person who feels fatigued all the time, the prospect of getting out of bed earlier than necessary is quite daunting. Chia is abundant in omega-3 oils, protein, calcium, soluble and insoluble fiber, and antioxidants, and adding it to your diet will feed your body with nutrients that it may otherwise lack. Better health equals more energy which equals more desire to expend energy.

Also, one of the unique things about chia is its ability to soak up water. If you mix one part chia seeds with nine parts water, and leave it for about fifteen minutes, you`ll get a mixture with a gel like consistency. It has little taste, but plenty of nutrients. It also is very filling because of the amount of expansion. Furthermore, the chia gel slows down the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates in the system, so you stay satisfied for longer, without peaks in blood sugar. Feeling full for longer, without peaks and lows in energy, will certainly lead to weight loss.

Finally, the chia running through your system acts like a broom, cleaning out your intestines as it goes on its way. This helps clean the body of toxins, as well as food stuff which may be slow to pass through, like meats and dairy. Even if you eat healthily on a day to day basis, there may still be remnants of unhealthy food in your system from past bad food choices. A cleaner body is a body that can send clearer signals; you may find that you won`t get so many cravings for chocolate, pizza and ice-cream because your body is cleaner and just doesn`t desire such foods.



About the author
Matt Monarch has been on a 100% Raw Vegan Diet since 1999; he eats only raw vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and seaweeds. He is currently the owner of three different health-promoting websites.
In partnership with Raw Food Pioneer and Nutritionist Dr. Fred Bisci, Matt has co-created www.TheRawFoodWorld.com, which sells support tools to help people live free of degenerative disease. Matt’s other websites are www.RawSpirit.org and www.LivingNutritionals.com.
After eight years eating a 100% Raw Food Diet, Matt has written two books on the subject , Raw Spirit, and Raw Success. In recent years he has spent much of his time touring the United States, presenting well over 200 Raw Food Lectures. He is widely sought out as a speaker and gives talks worldwide on how to live a healthier lifestyle.
Matt has appeared as a key speaker at events including The Raw Spirit Festival and many other festivals and expos. He was featured in a Raw Food TV Spot that aired over 15 times on Al Gore’s TV Network, Current TV. This TV spot can be viewed at www.RawSpirit.org. As 6-year owner of The Raw Food World and Living Nutritionals, he is well versed in people’s needs and concerns about health.

Children’s Vitamins No Healthier than Candy

(NaturalNews) Many children’s vitamins contain so few nutrients in such low doses that they are no healthier than candy, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Center for Nutritional Education in conjunction with www.supplementscompared.com.

“Parents need to be aware that a lot of the supplements for children contain only a very small number of vitamins,” researcher Kate Neil said. “They look like sweets, taste like sweets and in a sense they are sweets.”

Parents would be better off spending money to provide a healthier diet than buying many of the supplements, the researchers said.

Researchers evaluated the nutritional content of 14 vitamin supplements and a number of fish oil and omega-3 capsules available in the United Kingdom. Of the supplements tested, only five contained all 12 essential vitamins. Even supplements that contained a relatively large number of essential vitamins, the researchers found, often contained them in very low doses. Likewise, omega-3 and fish oil capsules often contained such low levels of omega-3 fatty acids that the researchers judged them “unlikely” to affect children’s health or cognitive function.

The products ranked the highest were Animal Chews with Calcium, manufactured by Hollins, and Barrett and Kids A-Z, manufactured by Sanatogen. Animal Chews contain 12 essential vitamins in a vegetarian chewable tablet. Five of these are provided in quantities at or above the recommended daily allowance (RDA), while the other seven provide 33 to 83 percent of RDA.

Kids A-Z contains nine essential vitamins at 100 percent RDA, one at 50 percent and two at 17 percent. In contrast to Animal Chews, which contains only calcium, Kids A-Z also contains the minerals iodine, magnesium and zinc.

Right at the bottom of the list were Sainsbury’s Chewable Raspberry and Bassett’s Soft and Chewy Omega 3. The former contains only eight essential vitamins at 50 percent RDA each, as well as zinc and iodine and 50 percent, iron at 25 percent and calcium at 17 percent. Soft and Chewy contains only four essential vitamins, at 100 percent RDA.

Sources for this story include: www.telegraph.co.uk; www.supplementscompared.com.

Hey, Americans: Are You Suffering from Pervasive Peanut Butter Avoidance Disorder?

(NaturalNews) While American consumers are running scared over the possibility of tainted peanut butter, it’s worth pointing out that the number of people sickened by salmonella (529 at last count) is absolutely dwarfed by the number of people harmed or killed by toxic chemicals that are intentionally put into the food supply.

But that hasn’t stopped people from freaking out over peanut butter. They’re demonstrating a kind of mania that I’ve dubbed, “Pervasive Peanut Butter Avoidance Disorder” (PPBAD) as a nod to the disease mongers of modern psychiatry. You can generate your own disease names, too, at: http://www.naturalnews.com/disease-mongering-engine.asp

But is this peanut butter fear really warranted?

How many children die of cancer each year from eating sodium nitrite in hot dogs, bacon and processed meat? Nobody has an exact number, but it’s no doubt much larger than 529. Brain cancer and leukemia kill a lot of children, and much of it is caused by chemical food additives. (http://www.naturalnews.com/022288.html)

How many adults suffer neurological impairment and ultimately die from drinking artificial chemical sweeteners? How many people get heart disease and die from eating partially-hydrogenated soybean oil used in margarine, cookies and crackers? How many future adults are going to die early from all the caffeine-spiked energy drinks they’re consuming right now?

And for that matter, how many U.S. adults have been killed by FDA-approved pharmaceuticals? That number is at least 100,000 per year (http://www.lef.org/magazine/mag2004/mar2004_awsi_death_01.htm) and may be much higher. At 100,000 deaths per year, over 8,300 Americans are killed every month by Big Pharma’s medicines.

In contrast to all that, how many people have been killed by tainted peanut butter?


Yep: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Eight. I don’t mean to minimize the value of those eight lives, but if we’re talking about national public safety, we have to keep the numbers in perspective here. Eight lives versus eight thousand killed every month by pharmaceuticals.

That makes pharmaceuticals 1,000 times more fatal than poisoned peanut butter. And that doesn’t even count all the suicides caused by psychiatric medications, most of which never get reported as anything other than suicides (the drugs are usually left out of the explanation of death).

Screaming about peanut butter, but silent about deadly pharmaceuticals
So where’s the outcry against deadly pharmaceuticals? Sodium nitrite in processed meats? Aspartame and MSG in beverages and foods?

The silence is disturbing. People are too busy freaking out over peanut butter to get their heads on straight and focus on the real threats to the health of American consumers.

The real threats are the use of dangerous chemicals in foods, drugs and personal care products. Those chemicals are no doubt killing many hundreds of thousands of Americans each year and adding a huge burden to the medical expenditures by the federal government (and state governments, too).

My question to the remaining sane people in America is simply this: If you’re worried about the salmonella in the peanut butter, why aren’t you worried about the sodium nitrite in the hot dogs?

Or how about the artificial colors in the sports drinks and the hormone residues in meat and milk? What about the mercury used in dental fillings, or the synthetic fluoride chemicals dumped into the public water supply? How about the pharmaceuticals in the water supply, too?

We live in a toxic world, overflowing with cancer-causing chemicals that are routinely promoted to us as being “beneficial.” Peanut butter is the least of our problems.

How to control the population: Spread irrational fear
But the public’s focus on peanut butter certainly does show one thing: The complete insanity and irrationality of many consumers.

Fear mongering is highly effective at shoving the sheeple towards irrational behavior. It worked in the days following 9/11, it worked for the original bailout money fiasco (the stupid Bush bailout, not the stupid Obama bailout, which is even larger), and now it’s working to get Congress to approve a new government bureaucracy: The proposed Food Safety Management Administration (FSMA), a whole new layer of bureaucratic interference with the food supply that’s bound to end up doing to foods what the FDA did to nutritional supplements.

America, get your head on straight! If you’re afraid of peanut butter, your priorities are completely askew. Yes, your health is being seriously threatened today, but not by peanut butter. Your chance of being killed by tainted peanut butter is even less than being struck by lightning this year.

You can send all that recalled peanut butter to my house, by the way. I’ll gladly eat it. Probably 99.999% of all the peanut butter being recalled right now is completely safe. And for the other point-zero-zero-one percent, I’m quite certain that a healthy immune system and the regular use of probiotics will allow me to survive a little salmonella consumption. I’ve eaten far stranger stuff as a kid in the public school system anyway…

Women’s Multivitamin Study Seriously Flawed, As Usual

(NaturalNews) A new study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine claims that multivitamins are useless at preventing cancer and cardiovascular disease in women. The mainstream media has predictably picked up on this story, gleefully running it as “proof” that nutrition is worthless and only pharmaceuticals can enhance your health.

What they’re not telling you, though, might shock you. Here’s the truth about this so-called “scientific” study on multivitamins:

No multivitamins were even used in the study! The women followed in this study weren’t actually given any multivitamins at all. They were simply asked if they take multivitamins!

There was no quality control in the study. Since no multivitamins were given to women, there was no quality control at all. Did these women take cheap, synthetic vitamins bought at Costco? Or did they take quality supplements from better sources? Nobody knows because it wasn’t tracked!

Most people SAY they take multivitamins, but don’t. If you ask most people, they will TELL you they eat healthy, and that they take multivitamins. But in reality they don’t. Most people greatly exaggerate the description of their own health habits.

Multivitamin consumption FREQUENCY was not accurately measured. There was no ability of this study to reliably measure how often consumers actually took their multivitamins. Did they take them once a week? Once a month? Once a year? Even taking them once a year would have counted in this study as “taking multivitamins.” Gee, no wonder the results showed no improvement…

In effect, this study did not measure the effects of multivitamins on cancer and heart disease. What it really measured was the degree to which people exaggerate their own claims of health habits, and the degree to which the mainstream media so easily falls for junk science.

The MSM remains utterly clueless about nutrition, and it simply reprints practically any study published in a medical journal, even when that study is obviously based on deceptive science and a pro-Pharma agenda.

All these attacks on vitamin C, vitamin E, antioxidants and multivitamins have the same source: The Big Pharma-funded mainstream media and its effort to try to discredit nutritional supplements in order to please advertisers.

The very idea that nutrition is bad for you but Big Pharma’s chemicals are good for you is insane to begin with. But that’s what they want you to believe: Nutrition isn’t required in the human body, they claim. But pharmaceutical chemicals are essential!

What they want you to do is shut up, eat your (processed) food, take your (chemical) medications, get your (fraudulent) disease screening, pay your taxes, watch television ads, make more (sheeple) babies and stop questioning the status quo. And multivitamins? Stop wasting your money on them. You’ll need that money to buy more monopoly-priced pharmaceuticals, after all.

Winners Announced for UFO ComicSense Cartoon Dialog Contest

(NaturalNews) The winners of the CounterThink ComicSense user-generated dialog contest have been announced. This contest challenged NaturalNews readers to write character dialog for a CounterThink cartoon featuring aliens in a UFO overlooking planet Earth. You can view that cartoon here: http://www.naturalnews.com/025539.html

Readers were asked to submit dialog for the alien character in the cartoon. Responses ranged from commentary on global warming and politics to nuclear weapons and the failure of human civilization. Here are the winning dialog ideas submitted by users. (I was the judge of which quotes were the funniest…)

The Funniest ComicSense Quotes
Michael Phelps must be on his cross-country tour!
– jrocket77

STOP FIRING! We will be fined by the Federation for damaging the Soylent Green Crop!
– 0jeMB6EVvpuT7

I’m so sorry, Zogelina. I know I promised you a relaxing cattle -mutilation get-away — but would you settle for a soul-soothing nuclear holocaust instead?
– Ron Strauss

I didn’t know processed foods caused this much gas!
– Elizabeth Donnelly

I knew we shouldn’t have given them the Chem-Trail recipe in METRICS!!!
– i811st

This isn’t half as bad as their healthcare.
– Cartah

I think we can take off our masks Mr. President, no one is going to see us from here.
– Vansing

We probably shouldn’t show them the particle accelerator free energy technology just yet…
– Joby

Honorable Mention:
Since the crop circles weren’t working I decided to be a little more obvious and use smoke signals!
– K9E5r5xuuMM8aw7X2NmvZA0obbvq

At least we know where NOT to land to collect decent life form samples.
– fF4eqWsP0vsP3RKB7MAfpsYYTcY

Apparently, THAT’S what he meant by “change.”
– EntoMan

Intergalactic Real-Estate Agent: “Sure, it needs a little work but that’s why it’s such a bargain!”
– Wendie Webber CHT

Well, I guess the search for intelligent life goes on…
robsanbo 2/6

I told you these earthlings have the hotest chili in the galaxy.
Bruno 2/6

“On second thought, let’s try SOUTH America for our vacation!”
leoscone 2/6

“Okay Ralph, you want to run your definition of “intelligent life” by me again?”
– Robert Pesavento

The lesson for today son is that population control works best in large doses.
– kenny

We leave them unattended for a few centuries and look what happens!
– Jeremiah

And the search for ‘intelligent life’ continues…
– Ryan

Post your own suggestions in the Google FriendConnect comment form on the ComicSense cartoon page: http://www.naturalnews.com/025539.html

Big Brother Health Care Provisions Slipped Into Economic Stimulus Bill

(NaturalNews) The new $800 billion economic stimulus bill contains some striking new “Big Brother” health care language that should give pause to all freedom-loving Americans. For starters, the bill requires the electronic tracking of the medical records of all Americans. All your private medical data will be stored in a government database, including your history of disease, pharmaceutical treatments, surgeries and even emergency room visits.

How would you like the government knowing all the details about your drug rehab? Or alcoholism treatments? Abortion? Sexually-transmitted disease diagnosis? Pregnancy status? Blood test results?

But it gets even more interesting than that: Under the new provisions found in the bill, all U.S. doctors will now be stripped of autonomy and forced to follow the medical treatment guidelines dictated by the government.

This news should rock the medical world (once they truly understand it). It means doctors can no longer make their own decisions about patients’ needs or treatment protocols. From now on, all health care decisions will be centrally planned by a dictatorial, Big Brother health care authority in the federal government.

How to turn doctors into sheeple
As Bloomberg.com reports (http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601039&refer=columnist_mccaughey&sid=aLzfDxfbwhzs), Tom Daschle was one of the architects of this plan, and he says that doctors “have to learn to operate less like solo practitioners.”

Any doctor that deviates from that plan would be penalized by the government. That means, for example, that a local doctor who knows the patient and his family, and who is aware of specific local circumstances affecting that patient will no longer be able to apply any of that knowledge in treating the patient. All treatments will be dictated from the government, obliterating the whole point of allowing doctors to operate with some degree of autonomy in the first place.

Effectively, this bill transforms the entire U.S. medical profession into nothing more than pill-pushing puppets. It wipes out the intelligence of a local doctor and replaces it with the stupidity of Big Government.

If the government says all expectant mothers must be screened for depression and put on antidepressant drugs, then all the doctors have to play along and do that if they don’t want to be fined or have their medical licenses taken away. If the government says nutritional supplements are dangerous and cannot be recommended to patients, then all doctors must remain silent and avoid telling patients the truth about helpful nutritional supplements. Whatever the government dictates must now be mirrored by all practicing doctors.

And don’t forget: The U.S. government is largely controlled by the pharmaceutical companies, and that means these health care dictates are almost certain to emphasize pharmaceutical treatments, disease “screening” and disease mongering provisions designed to sell more drugs. You can count on there being increased requirements for vaccinations (HPV vaccines, too) and mental health screenings (psychiatric drugs, anyone?).

Communism is alive and well in America’s health care system
Americans asked for health care, but what they got was Health Communism. There is absolutely no reason to believe that a centrally-controlled government body has any ability to make good health care decisions for individual patients across America. There is also no reason to believe the U.S. government will safeguard patient medical data or even respect the privacy of patients. This is the same government, after all, that has been caught routinely spying on its own citizens by tapping phone lines, emails, faxes and internet traffic.

If anything, the U.S. government has proven itself over the past few years to be the enemy of the American people on the issue of health care. Just look at the actions of the FDA in censoring nutritional supplement health claims (http://www.naturalnews.com/019366.html), or the FTC in assaulting herbal product companies (http://www.naturalnews.com/025303.html). This government is clearly dead set against health care in America, and the more we put government in charge of making health care decisions, the worse the outcome is going to be.

Obama cried “catastrophe” in urging lawmakers to pass this economic stimulus bill. It’s funny how fear is now being used to pass every trillion-dollar spending scandal in Washington these days. That’s one thing the government learned very well from 9/11 – fear sells. And it sold Congress on this stimulus bill, too.

But in terms of health care, the only thing this bill is going to stimulate is more disease, more dead Americans and more profits for Big Pharma. There’s nothing in the bill about ending FDA censorship, or teaching the public about nutrition, or banning pharmaceutical advertising on television. All this bill has accomplished is to spend Americans ever more quickly into financial destitution and medical desperation. It is one of the final nails in the coffin of American prosperity.

From now on, America will largely be defined by disease and debt, and the Obama administration apparently has no answer to either one.

Watch out, folks. The government is here to save us.

If you’re looking for REAL solutions, stay tuned to NaturalNews.com. We are only a few days away from launching our new health freedom petition which demands real health care reform and an end to the dark era of Big Pharma domination over health care.

That petition will be announced right here on NaturalNews.

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