What is the correlation between diabetes and obesity?

bio machine asked:

It has been obsereved that Diabetes occurs in people suffering from obesity.There should be some correlation between the two.This may be due to some physioloic,genetic,immunologic or some other factor.As a student of biotechnology,i wanted to know the precise relation between them and the mechanism by which they affect each other.I would also be thankful if some good websites for exploration of this topic are suggested.

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What are the chances of our baby having diabetes?

Barlow asked:

Right now I’m sort of seeing the man I hope to marry and the other day we brought up the subject of babies. We discussing that there may be a high risk if we had children that one of our babies would have diabetes. Diabetes runs in my family and I believe it runs in his. He is a diabetic and I’m not. We figure we are in a very high risk category, but since at this time we’re not married or planning to have kids yet we haven’t asked a doctor. We would both like your opinions and answers.

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