COPD Symptoms Diagnosis – What Is The Whole Procedure For Diagnosis

There are many people who may experience various medical conditions.  in the case of COPD, it’s vital to get COPD symptoms diagnosis from specialists who can conduct breathing tests.  But of course, it doesn’t mean that they will only do the test on their patients.  It’s also important for them to take note of the patient’s full medical and family history to note whether someone from their family also had pulmonary problems.  After this assessment, they may subject the patient to physical examinations just to see if there are abnormal growths on the lungs.  From this point onward, they would ask the patient to have the blood testing and undergo imaging systems like X-rays.  Once everything has been performed, the patient may start doing the breathing tests to their patients.

If you’re not familiar with the breathing tests done in COPD symptoms diagnosis, spirometry is used in order to take note the shortness of breathing and is useful in diagnosing this condition.  To do this procedure, what you need to do is to take a deep breath and get as much air as you can.  after taking as much air as you can, exhale on a mouth piece connected to a tube.  This tube is connected to the computer in order to measure your breathing.  This technique is simple but it can be a great help in knowing whether you have COPD or not.

The computer would display the volume of air that you’ve exhaled.  With the help of this COPD symptoms diagnosis procedure, you and the physician would know the extent of your lungs’ damage caused by COPD.  Typically, the symptoms caused by COPD are something similar to what other pulmonary diseases but this diagnosis would help you know whether your lungs are really inflamed or not.  if it’s inflamed due to COPD, your physician will help you in managing symptoms but it will not be treated even with all the approaches used.  If you want to know more about COPD in details, you’ll now find a lot of online resources that will help you know more about it while you can also ask your physician personally to get direct information.




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Want to know more about COPD symptoms diagnosis? Visit Michael Harrah’s site at now to learn more exciting information.

Getting to Know Copd

COPD stands Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, here we go another disease for the drug companies to capitalize on. So what the heck is this COPD anyway?

COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) is a progressive disease that keeps your lungs from functioning normally. It is characterized by a gradual loss of lung function. The airways in your lungs are blocked, and breathing takes more effort. You may have started to limit your activities due to shortness of breath. Without proper diagnosis and treatment, you may become less able to do for yourself and be more dependent on others.

Currently in the United States, more than 36.1 million adults are afflicted with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)


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Visit Don Richardo’s Solution Hub for more information. Go through the Don’s Rolodex to read about this subject and more. The Don says “You got problems I got Answers” Tell Him I sent Ya, the boys will take care of Ya.

COPD Treatment Mexico – Getting Medical Treatment for Less

COPD is one of the fastest growing lung diseases. It affects millions of Americans every single year and is very debilitating in even the mildest forms. There are two types of COPD that you can face, depending on the condition that you have. Chronic bronchitis and COPD is one form of the disease and Emphysema and COPD is the other form. By the way, COPD stands for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, which basically means that it becomes hard to breathe for patients who have this condition. There is no cure for the condition currently, but new studies and research are in the works.

Many people are turning to Mexico stem cell therapy, which has recently become quite popular among people who are looking for the best solutions for their condition. COPD treatment Mexico is not expensive and can often be covered by insurance for some patients, but even out-of-pocket the costs are going to be low. With this treatment, an IV is placed directly into the lungs, ensuring that the stem cells will have the most therapeutic value because they will not get lost along the way. In the end, people have quite positive results just a few days after the initial IV treatment.

If you are considering stem cell treatment abroad, you will need to take the time to look at your options and determine whether it is feasible for you. Some people have better odds than others at finding success or even finding a way to get stem cell treatment. Mexico is the most popular place that people turn to get this treatment because it was developed by Hospital Angeles Tijuana, which works with a pulmonologist that was trained at Boston University Medical Center.

People who have COPD often resign themselves to the fact that they can only control the disease and that there will never be a cure. In the U.S. and Canada, people are seeking better options and that leads them to Mexico for treatment. Mexico stem cell therapy procedures are becoming quite successful for many people and being more and more refined as the days go on. For anyone suffering from COPD, treatment Mexico offers sounds like a breath of fresh air—literally to some. If you are interested in this procedure, it is important that you talk to your doctor and determine if it is going to give you the help that you need with your condition.


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Regenerative Medicine is an Institute where Board Certified Neurosurgeons and Interventional Radiologist work together; using endovascular therapy methods in order to place patients own stem cells (autologous) as close as possible to the target organ or tissue. By utilizing specialized catheters, this novel less invasive procedure, doctors are able to get the stem cells to the most remote areas of the body; patients are awake the entire time, usually less than an hour. For more details please visit:

Copd Disability Lawyer – How A Social Security Attorney Can Help

COPD is short for Cardiac Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. This disease is difficult for a sufferer to manage. Sufferers often find they are unable to remain employed because of this medical condition. The Social Security Disability system (SSI and SSDI) are in place to help those that become disabled manage to have a source of income and medical treatment. The challenge for a COPD disability case is proving you are disabled under the strict regulations of Social Security Disability.

Before a person with Cardiac Obstructive Pulmonary Disease seeks Social Security assistance, it is important that this person has worked with a doctor to properly treat and document this condition. Your health comes first, ensuring you are seeking medical attention on a regular and recommended basis is critical to a Cardiac Obstructive Pulmonary Disease sufferer. While at your doctor’s office there are some things you can do to help better present a SSI Disability or SSDI benefits case.

Documenting a Cardiac Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Disability Impairment:

Too often when a person is not awarded Social Security Disability benefits it is not because the person is not disabled. Too often a legitimate disabled people are not awarded SSI Disability or SSDI benefits because they were unable to present the Social Security Administration (SSA) with sufficient evidence and documentation to prove their disability. Presenting the SSA with proper disability documentation starts with having the right medical evidence. Getting the right medical evidence starts with having good doctor’s notes.


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How To Strengthen Your Breathing Muscles With Copd

When living with COPD, exercising may not be the foremost thought on your mind.  However studies prove that specific exercises can strengthen your breathing muscles resulting in more powerful lung power.

According to the Journal of Applied Physiology, “strength-training maneuvers may have other associated benefits. They may not only strength train the diaphragm but also strengthen the muscles of the rib cage, abdominal wall, and upper extremities. The increase in PEmax is consistent with a strength training effect on the expiratory muscles of the rib cage and abdomen. The small increase in biceps muscle circumference is consistent with strengthening of the upper extremity muscles. Because the muscles of the rib cage, upper extremity, and abdominal wall are often recruited during breathing in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), training with these maneuvers may provide more benefit than training maneuvers that target the inspiratory muscles alone (18).”

Pulmonary rehabilitation therapy often finds the most successful outcome is by teaching patients correct breathing techniques combined with strengthening the muscles that enable you to breathe. Exercise is essential because the less active you are, the weaker your muscles get.  Weak muscles need MORE oxygen and this causes a chain reaction of being short of breath.  By practicing a sound exercise program, a good nutrition plan and a doctor’s plan of care, some patients who were on continuous oxygen therapy are able to discontinue the use of their concentrator and experience the freedom of life without being tied to a tube.


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Learn the correct way to expand your lung power in doctor recommended Functional Fitness COPD/Asthma DVD as featured on  Suzanne Andrews, a licensed Occupational therapy practitioner and host of Functional Fitness on PBS TV guides you with medically correct breathing and exercise techniques used in therapy practice to increase your lung capacity with just minutes a day. FREE preview now at:

Is COPD Treatable?

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, or COPD is a disease that refers to a collection of respiratory ailments that cause syndrome like symptoms. The conditions that fall under COPD are asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema. These conditions are considered to be COPD when the individual is suffering from one or more of them on an ongoing basis, such that their airflow is frequently disrupted or obstructed. In many cases damage caused by chronic COPD is irreversible, and this is what makes the condition chronic, and in some cases fatal. Many patients need to know that quality of life with COPD does not have to suffer. Treatment is available and proven very effective. If you suffer from asthma, bronchitis, or emphysema and are wondering if you may have COPD, read here to find out more and how to get treatment fast. An obstructed airway or airflow is the primary symptom of COPD, and this is marked by a difficulty in exhaling. Common symptoms that accompany the obstructed airflow are a dry cough, or cough that produces mucous; wheezing that occurs upon exhaling, and a shortness of breath that will come with any exertion. Individuals that struggle with bronchitis or emphysema on a consistent basis will be diagnosed with chronic bronchitis or chronic emphysema which are precursors to COPD. Chronic bronchitis is one where a cough produces mucous frequently enough that it lasts for either three months every year, or for two years consecutively. Chronic emphysema will be diagnosed when the arispaces around the bronchiole in the lungs are enlarged on a consistent basis. Bronchodilator treatments for the precursor conditions to COPD are the first weapon of defense when it comes to COPD treatment. When it comes to bronchitis and asthma, bronchodilator treatment may be enough on their own to release the obstruction of airflow and allow for comfortable breathing. Emphysema is the only precursor condition that will cause irreversible damage when it comes to COPD, but if caught early enough, the obstructed airflows in emphysema patients with bronchodilator treatment. In many cases of the more advanced COPD, additional treatment such as prednisone or steroid treatment may also help in releasing airflow obstructions. In addition, even more advanced stages of COPD may require oxygen treatment in supplemental forms. Because oxygen is a bronchodilator in itself, it can also be used in moderate COPD to ease coughing and wheezing symptoms. For patients with COPD, quality of life can be severely impaired. Many doctors along with treatment such as oxygen and prednisone will offer pulmonary rehabilitation programs to educate people on how to live effectively with this disease. This type of program will help patients plan their quality of care, and learn how to implement exercise into their treatment program. Exercise is very important for COPD sufferers to keep their cardiovascular function optimal, as well as to keep the airways clear. Pulmonary rehab programs in conjunction with prednisone and oxygen therapy have been proven to be the most comprehensive and multi-pronged treatment relief programs for people suffering from asthma, bronchitis, and chronic emphysema.


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To learn what John Scott has to say about other things and look on the things from his point of view, visit where he frequently writes on many different subjects that you will find fascinating.

Emphysema, COPD & Other Conditions Beaten: 10 Advantages of Alternative Medicine & Natural Remedies

10 ADVANTAGES OF ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE AND NATURAL REMEDIES (One man beat emphysema and COPD in six weeks … over 20 years ago.)

Fact: Emphysema, COPD, cancer, arthritis, and other diseases and adverse health conditions have in many cases been beaten. But why aren’t these countless successes acknowledged by mainstream medicine?


Alternative medicine is kind of an umbrella title for a number of different health or healing philosophies and approaches to medicine, health and healing. Included in alternative medicine are homeopathy, naturopathy, chiropractic care, acupuncture, and natural remedies.

Many diseases and health conditions (i.e., emphysema, COPD, cancer, arthritis) have actually been beaten by alternative medicine and natural remedies. However, mainstream medicine has for years tended to not acknowledge these countless successes, apparently because they go against its established philosophies, methodologies, and are generally far less profitable than their mainstream treatments.

From my research and experience, and that of many highly qualified sources, many safe and effective alternative treatments and remedies have been ignored or even scoffed at for years by mainstream medical authorities and professionals. Mainstream medicine has labeled some alternative treatments as “unsafe,” “unproven”, etc. However, consider how many once “approved” mainstream pharmaceutical drugs, prescribed to millions of patients, have been recalled due to harm or death to patients? Consider the numerous potential side effects they list in their ads for their drugs still on the market. (Talk about “unsafe”! Yet, they can label alternative medicine and natural remedies “unsafe”?!)

Alternative medical, health and healing “testimonials” have also often been called “anecdotes” or “anecdotal evidence;” sometimes, as in a court room, such can be called “hearsay.” Some anecdotal evidence does not qualify as scientific evidence because its nature prevents it from being investigated using the scientific method. I’m not discounting the scientific method at all; it certainly has its place, and it is one of the single greatest strategies and reasons for humanity’s greatest advances in science, technology and medicine in the last two centuries.

There is truly “hearsay” and there is “anecdotal evidence.” Applying these labels too broadly, however, can shade or hide the reality of truly valuable and valid research and results. This terminology or labeling can be accurate (i.e., illogical conclusions), desirable and necessary in many situations. “Goat yogurt mixed with bananas and peanuts prolongs life. I heard of a man who ate this almost every day of his life, and he lived to be 112.” This would be a simplistic example of hearsay or anecdotal evidence; the conclusion is unreliable and does not follow the evidence. Such cases may hold some truth, but, by their nature, using the scientific method is not possible.

However, with many successful alternative treatments and natural remedies, I am asserting that there is often a much higher level of correlation linking them to health or healing, even though the scientific method may not be applicable. (Mainstream medical authorities have in the past tended to discount claims or research that wasn’t conducted with the scientific methodology). (Many celebrities, professional athletes, politicians, and other wealthy people are seekers and strong supporters of alternative medicine, natural remedies, etc. Such high performance people need, want and demand high performance supplements, practices and treatments for their minds and bodies. Why shouldn’t you and your family have the same? )

Objectivity is foundational to the value and integrity of the scientific method; however, in the area of medicine and healing, the subjective, human realities of the patient (i.e., belief, expectation, attitude, commitment, family or environmental support, etc.) have abundantly been demonstrated to play major roles in healing. But such real factors and dimensions cannot easily be incorporated by the scientific method; therefore, other methods of measurement, research and investigation are necessary.

Again, the scientific method is highly necessary and deserves glorious credit. But scientists, researchers, doctors, etc., need to have the wisdom to know when it is needed or applicable; they, and we, need to have the wisdom and integrity to not discount or discredit evidence simply because it has not or cannot be investigated by the scientific method.

With the human, subjective variables being very real, medicine, health and healing can be somewhat more complicated than, say, the aerodynamics of flight, or other areas of technology. It seems that to simply label evidence that doesn’t fit the strict western scientific methodology, simply because scientists can’t fully explain or predict a claim, or that its nature prevents such strategy, would be closed minded. Some factors, variables or dimensions of the human experience are simply broader than the scientific methodology allows.

As can be seen as you investigate alternative medicine—great results have been realized from alternative medicine, natural remedies, etc.; such results are undeniable.

Mainstream medicine places a high value upon being able to explain “why” a tested treatment works; if they can’t explain it or it isn’t predictable by their standards, they tend to discount or discredit the substance, treatment or practice. Yes, it is worthy to want to know why something works or doesn’t work. However, wisdom from positive results would seem to say, “Use it … as you continue to investigate the “why” of it.” (Again, consider the countless dangers and deaths that have resulted from mainstream “approved” drugs, treatments and practices … many of which the public seems to be little aware.)

The bottom line is—the alternative treatments and natural remedies I support and use have demonstrated a much higher degree of value and validity than simple “hearsay” or “anecdotal evidence.” A real “truth seeker” will not let fear, bias, ego or an agenda interfere with gaining truth and facts.    

In recent years millions of common people have been awakened to the value and validity of alternative medicine and natural remedies; now, even mainstream practitioners are opening their minds to them. Here are a few examples. For years, chiropractic care was basically scoffed at; but now chiropractic care is so widely embraced that many insurance companies cover it and countless people have benefited from it. For years, alternative doctors and health practitioners asserted that good nutrition and cleansing the body of toxins were crucial to good health and healing; yet mainstream medicine tended to downplay their importance. Now, after years of alternative medicine making progress, an increasing number of mainstream practitioners are open to these truths and even practice them personally themselves. This is good news! These mainstream medical professionals are to be appreciated for being forward-thinking!

A third example is that, for years, alternative professionals asserted that anti-biotics were way over prescribed by mainstream doctors. Now, in recent years, mainstream sources have come to acknowledge this, as some harmful microbes have become immune to the over prescribed anti-biotics. This has even been report on in mainstream media. Once again, alternative medicine revealed and proclaimed truth that is now being received. I am not attempting to discount or diminish the value and validity of mainstream medicine. It definitely has its place. And I definitely acknowledge and appreciate the truly dedicated mainstream medical professionals who both practice and advance beneficial methods of medical innovations. In my opinion, there is no better place to go for injuries or trauma than a mainstream medical hospital!

I’m just saying that, when it comes to general health and healing of diseases and conditions like emphysema, cancer, COPD, arthritis, etc., both mainstream and alternative treatments should be openly and fairly considered. This seems to be “common sense” wisdom. When you begin to look into the successes of alternative medicine, it will soon become apparent that the countless successes and testimonials cannot be denied. Five, ten or twenty success testimonials from a single source could be overlooked. However, a broader view will reveal that there are countless successes, from many diverse and highly credible sources of alternative medicine and natural remedies. Many such successes are from late stage patients who mainstream medicine had exhausted their limited treatments on, and sent them home to prepare to die. Yet, alternative medicine is credited with a good percentage of restoring the health of such late-stage patients, or at least extending their lives and allowing them to experience a higher quality of life in their final days (as compared to what they likely would have had under mainstream treatment or hospitalization).

At some point in one’s investigation of the subject, it becomes apparent that to discount or deny these many diverse successes would be ignorant and closed minded. One man, Jim, was told by his mainstream doctor that there was nothing else he could do for him, and that he would die in about six months from his emphysema and COPD.


About the Author:

The simple treatment Jim used can be found in an e-book, entitled, How I Beat Emphysema and COPD in Six Weeks!
View the YouTube Video

I am a father of five children and have been a school teacher. I have been reading, researching, experimenting with, and benfiting from alternative medicine and natural remedies for over 20 years. My family, friends and acquaintances have experienced many excellent results. If you purchase a copy of the e-book, you will also get as free bonuses, eight powerful natural remedies we have used for years and that everyone needs to know. Thank you for your time and best wishes to you and yours! Al

Vitamin D COPD Natural Remedy

The natural health researchers at Institute for Vibrant Living (IVL) are investigating natural remedies available for COPD and related lung ailments. Here is their latest report:


With over 300 million people worldwide affected by asthma and other pulmonary disorders, it has become important to determine if there are preventative measures that can be taken to ensure healthy lungs. 

The benefits of vitamin D are numerous, including enhancement of blood calcium levels, cancer prevention and improvement in bone structure.

There is also growing evidence in scientific circles that vitamin D may also boost lung health.


Easier Breathing with COPD?

Research presented at the 105th International Conference of the American Thoracic Society disclosed a new method by which vitamin D may slow or possibly stop the development of asthma and COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease).  

Scientists from the University of Pennsylvania explained how calcitriol (a form of vitamin D) can reduce the growth of “airway smooth muscle,” a problem found in those with COPD and asthma, which results in decreased lung capacity over time.

The lung cells of 12 asthmatic and healthy volunteers were subjected to a potent corticosteroid and calcitriol, both of which are known to help reduce inflammation in the lungs. 

The researchers found that the corticosteroid, a commonly used asthma treatment, had very little effect on the growth of “airway smooth muscle.” Conversely, the benefits of vitamin D (calcitriol) on the growth of “airway smooth muscle” were significant. 


About the Author:

David Flores is a natural health researcher for Institute for Vibrant Living, a leading source for all-natural supplements, vitamins, and minerals for many health and nutrition challenges.  To learn more about the products offered by the Institute for Vibrant Living visit
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COPD – Effective Treatment For COPD

COPD stands for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and this is the disease of the lungs. When a patient suffers from COPD, the airways on the lungs of the patient become narrowed. The narrowing of the airways on the lungs will limit the flow of air to lungs and in the process causing shortness of breathing on the part of the patient. COPD is much worse than asthma since the limitation of airflow can’t readily be reversed and this can get worse over time.

This disease has many names in the medical field, and others refer to this disease as the chronic obstructive lung disease, the chronic obstructive airway disease, the chronic airflow limitation and the chronic obstructive respiratory disease. The COPD is one dangerous disease. In fact based on records and available data, COPD is ranked sixth as the leading cause of death in the world for the year 1990. And based on these figures, it has been projected that this lung disease is expected to be the third leading cause of death worldwide in the year 2020.


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Paul Hata is active in various community and social programs aimed at providing access to health,education and jobs to all.Access 1000s of affordable health,medical and beauty products here – and

Emphysema and COPD – Effects of a Smoking Addiction

Any discussion of the facts on emphysema must include the main statement that emphysema belongs to the COPD (Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease) group of respiratory conditions.COPD disorders cause obstruction to the airways and make it difficult to properly exhale all the carbon dioxide in the lungs. Smoking is a main contributor and cause of COPD and emphysema in particular.

Other illnesses in the COPD group of respiratory problems are asthma and chronic bronchitis.  These three conditions are seldom present in isolation of each other and therefore when one is present the other two are likely to be present as well. This is why they are grouped together and called Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or COPD.

Emphysema causes damage to the air sacs in the lungs. The natural air sacs in the lungs are called alveoli. As emphysema sets in these sacs become larger and fewer in number. The tissue around them loses its elasticity so the sacs cannot expand and retract normally. This causes a decrease in the amount of oxygen and an increase in the levels of carbon dioxide in your blood.

Symptoms of emphysema are a chronic cough, a grayish-blue cast to the skin (from a lack of oxygen), fatigue, dizziness, finding it hard to catch your breath, and having difficulty breathing during any type of physical exercise. Often there is great discomfort when you eat (because it is  hard to breathe with a full stomach), so gradually there is loss of appetite, weight loss  and lack of energy.  Unfortunately, because this condition progresses so slowly, by the time symptoms appear  emphysema is usually already in an advanced stage.


About the Author:

Beverly Hansen OMalley is a nurse who is passionate about health promotion. Visit where Bev explores the uniqueness of the nursing profession in Canada including comparison of nurse salary across the country, preparation for the Canadian nursing entrance test and how to become a nurse in Canada if you graduated in another country.

Tired of Living in a COPD Treatment Torture Chamber? Why Just Barely Manage The Symptoms Of COPD When You Can Cure It Naturally?

The fifth most common disease and the fourth leading cause of death all over the modern world, is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD. Besides being deadly, COPD disease can also be very debilitating.

Better than fifty percent of COPD patients say that they’re severely hampered in even performing such ordinary task like household chores, social activities, sleeping, anything requiring physical involvement such as sports, or even taking a walk.

I don’t want to focus on what is COPD, how you get it, or it’s dangers, but I would like to warn you not to listen to the uninformed opinions of persons who say it can’t be cured and it’s victims are destined to lead to a lifetime of dependence on oxygen therapy, inhalers, and corticosteroids. Let’s see, what else does modern medical science offer for a COPD treatment? Oh I almost forgot, lung surgery, and if your real lucky maybe a lung transplant.

Some lung treatment huh? My dear sir, we’ll try the surgery but what your probably going to need, is a new set of lungs! So there your name sits, at the bottom of a long list, waiting for some nice person to meet an untimely death. That’s the modern method of COPD treatment! Never fear, holistic medicine offers hope.

There are so many ways to naturally alleviate the symptoms of COPD even if you haven’t been able to stop smoking yet, and holistic remedies in many cases can cure this disease allowing you to gradually reduce your dependence on medications. I know a cure may sound like too much to ask, but it’s not, if you can distance yourself from whatever originally caused the disease, while taking advantage of several natural COPD cures at the same time.

To start with, the most convenient, least expensive, yet most powerful natural cure for COPD would have to be the elemental miracle, and why anyone with COPD who found out about it would neglect to immediately start reaping the benefits from it, is beyond me. Even though the elemental miracle is capable of eliminating this disease all by itself, the best plan of attack would be to use it simultaneously with the other natural remedies for COPD, listed in the following summary.


About the Author:

Jay Geary is a retired organic horticultural consultant, who for over thirty years has dedicated most of his time and energy in the study and practice of holistic health and natural healing. Jay is currently the host of a website http:/ which details in depth, hundreds of holistic options for treating diseases such as COPD disease.

Equine COPD (Horse Cough): Treating Horse COPD, Cough or Heaves

What is COPD?

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or COPD is similar to human Asthma. It is an allergic reaction to dust causing obstruction to the air passages in the lungs of horses. It generally affects horses ages six and older, who are stabled, eat hay, and/or live in dusty areas.

Signs your horse may have COPD:

The first signs of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease are often quite mild. Here are some signs to look for:

Decreased performance (usually the first early sign)

Elevated resting respiratory rate

Taking a bit longer to recover after work


Quitting when they normally wouldn’t

More pronounced signs that your horse may have COPD are:


Frequent coughing

Work-induced cough

Breathing problems

Diagnosis of COPD

If you notice any of these signs, especially if your horse does not have a fever, he may have COPD. Sport and performance horses are extremely susceptible to lung disease-COPD, cough, heaves. Even seemingly healthy horses are frequently affected. Your veterinarian can usually confirm this with a chest exam, but may also scope your horse to see presence of mucus and infection. Once it’s confirmed that your horse has Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, it’s time to take action.


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Article written by Michael Dowd – –
“An equine nutrition consultant, Michael Dowd has a passion for helping horse owners treat & manage through simple, effective, natural methods. If you like Michael’s article and want to read real stories of how people are using natural breathing remedies on their horses, learn more about herbal treatments for equine COPD,
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