Physical Activity Adds To Lifespan, Even In 80s (redOrbit)

Even people living in their 80’s can add years to their lives through exercise, according to a new report.Writing in the Archives of Internal Medicine, researchers studied the effects of “continuing, increasing, or decreasing physical activity levels on survival, function, and health status among the very old.”Compared to sedentary individuals, the three-year survival rate among 85-year-olds was …

Vet Says Owners Should Exercise With Their Dogs Based On Specific Needs To Prevent Obesity (Science Daily)

People and their dogs both need physical activity to fight obesity, and there are many exercises that owner and pet can do together that can improve their health and their relationship. Dogs, like people, reap many benefits from exercise, according to one veterinarian, who adds there are physical and mental health advantages for the dog owner and the dog when they exercise together.

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