Chinese regulators investigating Wal-Mart store: Xinhua

The Walmart logo is pictured in Los AngelesChinese regulators are investigating a Wal-Mart store in the southern city of Shenzhen for food safety violations, the official Xinhua news service reported, based on videos it said were taken by a Wal-Mart employee at one branch. "We are comfortable saying, based upon this inspection, that none of the alleged activities exists in the store today," Wal-Mart said in a statement. The voiceover to the video – made by an anonymous person who claimed to have worked for Wal-Mart for seven years – said employees in the store's deli section, operating under the principle of "don't change for a month," would often use cooking oil so old it had turned "black as soy sauce" to cook items like fried chicken for sale to customers. The Xinhua article said no conclusions from the investigation by the Shenzhen Municipal Market Supervisory Administration had been made.