Democrats pick Perez to lead party against Trump

Democrats pick Perez to lead party against TrumpU.S. Democrats elected former Labor Secretary Tom Perez as chairman on Saturday, choosing a veteran of the Obama administration to lead the daunting task of rebuilding the party and heading the opposition to Republican President Donald Trump. Members of the Democratic National Committee, the administrative and fundraising arm of the party, picked Perez on the second round of voting over U.S. Representative Keith Ellison, a liberal from Minnesota. Following one of the most crowded and competitive party leadership elections in decades, Perez faces a challenge in unifying and rejuvenating a party still reeling from the Nov. 8 loss of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

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Donald Trump’s latest attack on the media was riddled with blatant contradictions

Donald Trump’s latest attack on the media was riddled with blatant contradictionsPresident Donald Trump began his speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Friday with a lengthy rant railing against what he dubbed the “fake news.” After weeks of bad headlines, Trump suggested the “dishonest media” falsified stories about issues in his administration by using made-up sources. “And I want you all to know that we are fighting the fake news. It’s fake! Phony! Fake!” Trump said.

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Brexit leader Nigel Farage: 2016 was start of global populist revolution

Brexit leader Nigel Farage: 2016 was start of global populist revolutionBritish politician Nigel Farage heralded 2016 as the beginning of global populist revolution during a speech Friday at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in National Harbor, Md. In a speech titled “Brexit and What it Means for the World,” Farage, the former leader of the U.K. Independence Party (UKIP), said that future schoolchildren would study 2016 as the dawn of a new political era — ushered in by the so-called Brexit referendum in the U.K. and the election of President Trump in the U.S. “There is one year that every schoolchild will know, and that year is the year of 2016, because in 2016 we witnessed the beginning of a global political revolution and it’s one that is not going to stop.

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Hillary Clinton calls for ‘resistance and persistence’ from Democrats

Hillary Clinton calls for ‘resistance and persistence’ from DemocratsIn a video released Friday, Hillary Clinton encouraged Democrats to “move forward with courage, confidence and optimism” as the party prepares to rebuild after losing the White House and failing to gain majorities in either house of Congress in the November elections. The three-minute video was posted online shortly after it was greeted with applause at a Democratic National Committee meeting in Atlanta, Ga. The DNC will choose new party leaders, including a new chairperson, on Saturday. Although Clinton has mostly stayed out of the spotlight since her stunning election loss to Donald Trump, lately she has started to speak out more pointedly via her Twitter account.

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