Arrested ex-Toyota exec Hamp to be released from custody: Kyodo

Toyota Motor Corp's Managing Officer and Chief Communications Officer Julie Hamp speaks to media during a news conference in Nagoya, central JapanTokyo prosecutors plan to release former Toyota Motor Corp executive Julie Hamp from custody after she was arrested last month on suspicion of illegally importing the painkiller Oxycodone into Japan, Kyodo News reported on Tuesday. Japan's daily Yomiuri newspaper reported Hamp was unlikely to be charged because prosecutors judged there was little criminal intent in the case, in which a family member had mailed Oxycodone pills to her to alleviate knee pain. Kyodo said Hamp, who resigned from her post as chief communications officer last week three months after her appointment as Toyota's first female managing officer, is set to be released without indictment on Wednesday, the latest she can be held without a formal charge.

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