India to track toilet use with tablets

NEW DELHI (Reuters) – Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is launching a nationwide online program to check whether people are using toilets as part of his cleanliness drive.From next month, officials will head out with mobile phones, tablets and iPads to report on whether toilets are being used in rural India, with results uploaded onto a website in real time. India’s shortage of toilets costs the country more than $50 billion a year, mostly through premature deaths and hygiene-related diseases, according a World Bank study. …
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Liberia suspends Ebola curfew to allow New Year’s Eve worship

Christmas shoppers flock to a market despite concerns over Ebola in MonroviaMONROVIA (Reuters) – Liberia's government has suspended for one night a curfew imposed to curb the spread of Ebola, so that New Year's Eve church services can go ahead, Deputy Information Minister Isaac Jackson said. The government introduced the curfew in September at the height of an epidemic that has killed more than 3,400 people in Liberia and at least 4,400 more in Sierra Leone and Guinea, according to World Health Organisation figures. "The President has directed the Minister of Justice to suspend the curfew for today, Dec. …

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