Month: November 2013
Anti Obesity Day: 6 foods that cut fat
Protein shake-up
Alternative medicines may help pets recover from injuries and health …
Gretna Music's Blog: Alternative Medicine; Four Ways to Spot a Quack
Toward True Health: Choose healthy over quick for weight loss
City Hall weighs marijuana, funds
I Have a Heart Murmur
Postcards From Lebanon: Part 12 in a Series of Cancer-Related Commentary (The Infusion Room)
“I … find my strength in the beat of your heart.” (HaleyWestenra) I like to think of myself as someone whose heart goes outto those less fortunate, people who need a helping hand, others who”there but for the grace of god go I.” I thought I’d learned thisyears ago when I had volunteered to make meals for the homeboundand served Christmas lunch to the homeless. However, there’s a partof me of whom I’m ashamed: an ugly, spoiled child, who rears hishead from time to time. But I’ve been humbled. My initialfamiliarity with
Former players sue NHL over concussions
(Reuters) – Ten former players have filed a class action lawsuit against the National Hockey League (NHL), claiming the league did not do enough to prevent concussions. Former Toronto Maple Leafs Gary Leeman and Rick Vaive were among the players to file a claim in U.S. District Court in Washington, saying it was time for the NHL to elevate long-term player safety over profit and tradition. The lawsuit comes less than three months after the National Football League paid $765 million to settle a lawsuit brought by thousands of former players, many suffering from dementia and health problems. The former NHL players claim that a player can sustain about 1,000 hits to the head during a season without any documented incapacitating concussion and that repeated blows result in permanently impaired brain function.
Human Health Depends On A Healthy Environment
By David Biello (Click here for the original article and podcast)What is the value of an intact rainforest? From a peopleperspective, maybe it's more useful turned into lumber andcropland. The responses to such arguments have often cited what arecalled ecosystem services. These are the keys to life that naturalsystems provide for free–think: breathable air and potable water.Other counters point to the psychological benefits of the naturalworld. Now we have a new reason for conservation: human health.Turns out forest fires set to clear land in Indonesia generate thekind of soot that lodges
NHL-Former players sue NHL over concussions
Ten former players have filed a class action lawsuit against the National Hockey League (NHL), claiming the league did not do enough to prevent concussions. Former Toronto Maple Leafs Gary Leeman and Rick Vaive were among the players to file a claim in U.S. District Court in Washington, saying it was time for the NHL to elevate long-term player safety over profit and tradition. The lawsuit comes less than three months after the National Football League paid $765 million to settle a lawsuit brought by thousands of former players, many suffering from dementia and health problems. The former NHL players claim that a player can sustain about 1,000 hits to the head during a season without any documented incapacitating concussion and that repeated blows result in permanently impaired brain function.