Digital Exercise Beneficial For Cognitive Function Of Older Adults

A new study, published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine's February issue, reveals that virtual reality-enhanced exercise called "exergames," which combine physical exercise with computer-simulated environments and interactive videogame features, can achieve a greater cognitive benefit for older adults than traditional exercise alone. The two-year study wanted to explore how …

POLL RESULTS: Our kids need exercise

We asked, "Children who get more exercise also tend to do better in school, whether the exercise comes as recess, physical education classes or getting exercise on the way to school, according to an international study. The findings, published in the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, came as U.S. schools in general cut physical activity time in favor of more academic test preparation …

New hormone mimics the effects of physical exercise

A group of researchers at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School, led by Bruce Spiegelman and Pontus Boström, have discovered a hormone that mimics some of the results of a workout by facilitating the transformation of white fat into brown fat. While the purpose of the former is to accumulate excess calories, the latter is used to produce heat. Irisin, named after the Greek …

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