Mesothelioma – asbestos exposure and life expectancy

Asbestos causes many dangers to a human’s life and one of the most common of these after a long period of exposure is cancer diseases and even rare forms cancer such as Mesothelioma.

There are three types of Mesothelioma that a human can develop. Firstly there is peritoneal and pericardial which most commonly affect the abdomen and heart, but the most common form of Medsothelioma in patients is pleural Mesothelioma of which there is much research and knowledge due to its common diagnosis. This also results in a more reliant treatment plan for the patient with a longer life expectancy rate than other forms.

However there are many factors that decrease life expectancy in a Mesothelioma patient and although some things can be altered in the person’s life other factors unfortunately cannot be changed.

Smoking can deeply affect the life expectancy of a patient with Mesothelioma and in fact cause more problems especially as the most common form of pleural Mesothelioma has a major impact on the patient’s lungs. Anyone who is diagnosed with Mesothelioma should immediately stop and never consider starting.

By: Robert Hof

About the Author:

The author is working for a company doing asbestos surveys. So if you need asbestos surveys, have a look.
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