Boehner to seek smaller $2 trillion deficit deal – San Jose Mercury News

Los Angeles Times

Boehner to seek smaller $2 trillion deficit deal
San Jose Mercury News
AP WASHINGTON — House Republican budget negotiators have abandoned plans to pursue a massive $4 trillion, 10-year deficit reduction package in the face of stiff GOP opposition to any plan that would increase taxes as
Republican leader says broad debt deal unlikelyBaltimore Sun
Has Nancy Pelosi Been Marginalized in the Debt Debate?TIME
Medicare recipients could be affected in debt dealBeaumont Enterprise
Daily Caller –New York Times –Louisville Courier-Journal
all 2,861 news articles »

Strong earthquake rocks northeastern Japan – USA Today


Strong earthquake rocks northeastern Japan
USA Today
TOKYO (AP) — A strong earthquake with a magnitude of 7.1 has hit off the northeast Japan coast, prompting a tsunami warning. The quake hit at 9:57 local time (0057 GMT) and a warning of a possible tsunami was issued for most of the northeastern
Japan quake sparks tsunami alertBBC News
7.1 earthquake strikes Japan; tsunami advisories issuedCNN International
Major quake strikes northeastern
Times of India –Globe and Mail –ABC Online
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