Researchers from the University of Grenoble Medical School in France determined that cardio-respiratory aerobic exercise is safe for patients with stable rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
(4 stars) Better than the WebMD story on the same study because CNN discussed potential harms and had several sources. But this is one instance where the 4-star score based on our 10 criteria seems too high. When you get the basics wrong, you got the story wrong.
(2 stars) While the use of new technology to provide better solutions to common problems is a source of hope, this story focused nearly exclusively on this aspect without questioning the magnitude of the benefits vs. harms and without giving a realistic evaluation of the costs.
STATEPhysical activity, good nutrition and healthy lifestyle choices are the basis for a lifetime of health and wellness, said Melinda States, Extension Educator, Youth Development in Mt. Vernon, Ill.
Exercise and physical activity for heart failure patients, including how to start exercising again, will be the topic of the June Heart Failure Support Group meeting sponsored by King’s Daughters Medical Center.
Physical activity is very important for both physical and mental health and can play a vital role in rehabilitation of injury and illness, as we know physical activity can promote strong muscles as well as maintain a healthy body weight.
(4 stars) While the article is bookended by optimistic anecdotes and sometimes its tone overreaches the available evidence, it charts a mostly cautious course through a tricky debate, calling out many caveats to balance the preliminary hope.
Adults whose asthma is not fully controlled by medication might gain some benefits from adding an exercise routine to their lives, a small study suggests.