Exercise reduces fatigue in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy (EurekAlert!)

Supervised exercise programs that include high and low intense cardiovascular and resistance training can help reduce fatigue in patients with cancer who are undergoing adjuvant chemotherapy or treatment for advanced disease. The exercise training also improves patients’ vitality, muscular strength, aerobic capacity and emotional well-being, according to research published on bmj.com today.

Exercise crucial to control diabetes (Denver Post)

Q:My son has diabetes and, as a result, many problems with his feet. He has had to have surgical implants, has Charcot neuropathy in the left foot, and has had three toes amputated on the right foot, including the great toe. He is getting weaker due to no exercise or muscle strengthening, and his balance is in jeopardy. What kinds of exercises can he do?

Instructional Approach Key to At-Risk Preschoolers Physical Development (PRWeb via Yahoo! News)

Newly released research in the September, 2009 issue of Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport (RQES) demonstrates that preschoolers exposed to a student-centered instructional approach for motor skill development called “mastery motivational climate,” reported significantly higher confidence about their physical abilities compared to preschoolers who did not receive this instructional …

New Online Service Uses Video Instruction to Simplify Physical Therapy Exercises (PRWeb via Yahoo! News)

Everyone who has been to see a Physical Therapist has received a home exercise program, or HEP, that consisted of 2 to 3 exercises written on a piece of paper with a still photo or drawing showing the exercise. FIZIO is a new online service that is set on changing this practice by giving health care providers the tools they need to utilize video in their home exercise programs.

New Online Service Aims to Revolutionize Physical Therapist – Patient Relationship (PRWeb via Yahoo! News)

A physical therapist in Southern California has taken home exercise program (HEP) prescription to a new level in the digital age. Jason Van Dyke believes his web site, fizio.com, will raise patient compliance, increase patient satisfaction, and improve the speed and efficiency of HEP development in the clinic. His service aims to make online video home exercise programs not just a reality, but …

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