Month: August 2008
Researchers Find Leishmaniasis Parasites Evade Death by Exploiting the Immune Response to Sand Fly Bites
3-D Surgery
(0 stars)
CBS exaggerates benefits, fails to explain what’s really new, doesn’t mention costs and cites no evidence about whether the machine produces better outcomes or carries any additional risks.
Exercise Reduces Blood Pressure… (HealthDay via Yahoo! News)
THURSDAY, Aug. 14 (HealthDay News) — For people with high blood pressure, exercise can be the most important lifestyle change they can make, researchers say.
Physical therapists offer low-cost solution to high-cost expenditures for acute low back pain (EurekAlert!)
( American Physical Therapy Association ) The American Physical Therapy Association concurs with findings from a recent study published in Spine (Vol. 33, No. 16) demonstrating that active physical therapy for patients with acute low back pain is associated with better clinical outcomes, decreased use of prescription medications, MRI and epidural injections, and lower health-care costs than …
High Risk of Cardiovascular Complications Found for Arthritis Patients Undergoing Hip or Knee Replacement
Medication Proves Effective for Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis
FDA Law Enforcers Crack Down on Illegal Botox Scammers
Molecular Switch Boosts Brain Activity Associated with Schizophrenia
NIH Scientists Find a Novel Mechanism That Controls the Development of Autoimmunity
Vital Vitamin
(2 stars)
ABC failed to give sufficient context about the newest vitamin D research. Instead it provided the personal experience and advice of its medical reporter – a troublesome practice.