Author: majac
Even 5 extra minutes of exercise every day can save you from high blood pressure, finds study
Small amount of daily exercise improves heart health? The study discovered that simple activities like stair-climbing, brisk walking, jogging, cycling …
Delhi Air Pollution: Apollo doctor suggests closing schools for children
Anticancer effects of pomegranate-derived peptide PG2 on CDK2 and miRNA-339-5p …
3:16 Healthcare holds diabetes fair | Local News |
James Van Der Beek reveals the symptoms that led to his cancer diagnosis – Miami Herald
Causal pathways between breast cancer and cardiovascular disease throu | IJWH
New moms can reduce their risk of postnatal depression by almost half if they exercise over …
The research suggests that new mothers’ odds of having ‘baby blues’ fall by 45 percent among those who are active. Exercising for at least 80 minutes …