Bird flu found on farm in big German poultry area

A case of bird flu has been found on a small turkey farm in Lower Saxony in northern Germany, one of Europe’s largest production regions, although it is not yet certain what variant of the disease it is, state authorities said on Wednesday. Tests are underway to see if the disease is of the high risk H5N8 type, but 8,400 turkeys on the farm in the Vechta area will be culled regardless of the outcome, the Lower Saxony state agriculture ministry said. Another farm in Lower Saxony also suffered a bird flu outbreak in November when 108,000 birds were culled.
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Italy swaps spleen for kidney in world first

A hospital in northern Italy said Wednesday it had achieved a world first by successfully transplanting a kidney in the place of the spleen in a six-year-old girlA hospital in northern Italy said Wednesday it had achieved a world first by successfully transplanting a kidney in the place of the spleen in a six-year-old girl. The child had been on dialysis since birth because of a rare kidney anomaly and a malformation of the abdominal blood vessels, the Molinette hospital in Turin said in a statement. "In order to create the necessary space for the new kidney, a revolutionary and innovative technique was applied, with the removal of the spleen," the hospital said.

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Famine may have killed 2,000 people in parts of Nigeria cut off from aid by Boko Haram: analysts

Writings describing Boko Haram are seen on the wall along a street in BamaMore than 2,000 people may have died of famine this year in parts of northeast Nigeria which cannot be reached by aid agencies due to an insurgency by Islamic militant group Boko Haram, hunger experts said on Tuesday. The deaths occurred in the town of Bama in Nigeria&;s Borno state, the jihadists&039; former stronghold, a report by the U.S.-based Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) said. While food aid is staving off famine for people uprooted by conflict who can be reached, the outlook is bleak for those in parts of the northeast cut off from help, according to FEWS NET.

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Top U.S. court declines to hear challenge to NFL concussion deal

(Adds details on dispute, paragraphs 3-11) By Lawrence Hurley WASHINGTON, Dec 12 (Reuters) – The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear a challenge to the National Football League’s estimated $1 billion settlement of concussion-related lawsuits with thousands of retired players brought by a small group of them who contend it is flawed. The justices rejected an appeal of a lower court ruling in April upholding the settlement, which resolved litigation brought by players who accused the NFL of covering up information that tied head trauma like that suffered playing football to permanent brain damage. The dozens of retired players challenging the settlement complained that it did not cover potential victims of a degenerative brain disease that scientists have linked to repeated blows to the head.
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